Please remain still for the duration of your stay as your life force is slowly being drained.

Hi I'mZombi Bobb.
The legions and I secured possession of this abstract locale on 08/30/98 22:59:34, and I am supposed to take full responsibility for any free spirits that attempt to escape,
So stay right where you are and you won't recieve a threshing.

Well, I'm doing my best to keep my site "updated" and fresh. I don't think it'll hold very long. I've started to get rid of the yellow words on black backgrounds in exchange for yellow words on neato keen colorful backgrounds. Well, maybe not colorful but at least slightly varying shades very similar to black.


Once I finish 'em, I'm goping to have Nightbane/pseudo-palladium to deadlands conversions. Now I know some people are anal about rights and stuff so if someone out there has the disclaimers and stuff and is willing to mail them to me at that'd be extra cool, in the meantime I have no real updates, sorry.

Hey everybody! Look at me! I'm tryin' to be on a Top 50 internet web site thingy thing! So go there and vote for me if you consider yourself a carbon-based lifeform. If you don't well you weren't welcome here in the first place freak. Go now. Thank you.

Hooray! The linky thing is working again! Thanks to Matt Steflik from over at the Gimme Shelter (which I highly suggest everyone go visit). He let yours truly know it was workin' and stuff AND he added my address as a link! That's so cool I think I'm going to start trying to update more often.


Role Playing Games





If you have any suggestions, tips, advice, constructive or otherwise criticism, threats or colorful statements for me please let me have them at the address below.

In the meantime,
Please come back soon and visit me.
Inscribe upon my Book of Guests

Or just look at it.

Congratulations! You're the person to land smack in the middle of my site, you will now be carted off to the mines where you will dig for precious metal for a faceless corporation. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
I mean good for you.

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