"Breyer" Model Horses


#852 Chestnut Leopard SHM

-eartip and hoof rubs

-rubs on muzzle, mane, tail, and right eye

-lots of black marks (may come off)

-2 broken legs, have pieces


#881 Wild American Horse

-eartip, hoof, and nostril rubs

-rubs on left front leg

-several pinhead rubs, black marks, and shiny marks on both sides of body

-broken right front leg, don’t have piece


#254 Classic Size "Hawk"

-eartip, hoof, and nostril rubs

-rubs on both knees and hocks

small (pinhead) rubs on both sides of barrel and chest


#867 Tesoro

-ear, nostril, and hoof rubs

-rubs on right shoulder, hindquarter, and hock, left front leg

-several black marks (may come off), shiny marks

-may still be PSQ


#869 Lakota Pony

-minor eartip, hoof, and nostril rubs

-chalky finish, "staples" on hindquarters

extensive black marks (may come off)


#3345 Classic Sham

-extensive rubs and some black marks

-for remake or toy only


#3030 Classic Johar

-eartip, nostril, and hoof rubs, rub on tail

-lots of black marks (may come off)

-slightly yellowed


#848 Flaxen Chestnut Pinto Running Mare

-eartip, nostril, hoof, and tip of tail rubs

-rubs on right hindquarters, joints, and above eyes

-many black marks (may come off)

-whiteout (?) on hindquarters in front of tail


#3055 Classic Arabian Family Chestnut


-eartip and hoof rubs, nostril rubs

-good condition (may be PSQ)


-eartip and hoof rubs

-rubs on shoulders and hindquarters, edges of mane, tail, and joints

-large rub on front of nose

-some blackish marks (may come off)


-eartip, hoof, and tailtip rubs

-black marks on back, left shoulder, and top of right hind leg (may come off)

-rubs on hindquarters and left shoulder

$25.00 for set

#3045 Classic Quarterhorse Family

Mare (bay, 3 socks) –

-eartip, nostril, and hoof rubs

-rub on left flank

-dried soap scum (?) (comes off) in places

Stallion (golden chestnut) –

-eartip, hoof, and nostril rubs

-rubs on hindquarters, left shoulder and neck

-lots of black marks (may come off)

Foal (bay, 4 socks) –

-eartip, nostril, and hoof rubs

-rubs on hindquarters and above tail

-otherwise nice

$25.00 for set

#700693 Mare from TRU SR "Drinkers of the Wind"

-VERY minor eartip and hoof rubs

-several grey and blackish marks, blend with flea-bites

-still probably PSQ


#879 Dapple Grey Running Stallion

-2 dapples on right side of neck behind jaw missing paint

-rub on right side of muzzle

-light red marks on left side

-eartip and hoof-edge rubs


#846 Rough Diamond – Roughcoat SHF

-eartip, nostril, and hoof rubs

-small rubs through to white on left barrel, right hindquarters


#865 Bluegrass Foal

-eartip and hoof edge rubs, rubs on muzzle by nose

-black marks on right shoulder, left hindquarters, and chest

-small rubs on hinqurters and left shoulder and flank


#810 Chestnut Leopard ASHF

-eartip, muzzle, and hoof rubs

-rubs on and around eyes

-rubs on knees and hocks

-rub on tail tip

-black, brown, and fuschia marks (may come off)


#845 Sea Star

-rubs on hindquarters, barrel, back, chest

-ear, nose, and hoof rubs

-black marks on back (may come off)


#801 Bay Tobiano Shetland Pony

-very minor eartip and hoof rubs

-black marks on right side (may come off)

-otherwise good condition



"Funrise" Hard Rubber Horses



-eartip and hoof rubs

-rub on right hindquarters

-black marks (may come off)



-hoof rubs

-black marks (may come off)
