Inverted Nipple


Inverted Nipple the Band

The only band ever to be constructed of all four of the true Mighty Druids. Phresh Tendrils, Super Crackbaby, Cheesy BoB, and ThE GuRu were together INVERTED NIPPLE. For a short period of time they changed their name to Inverted Nipple & Long live penis wrinkle. The name only grabbed bad publicity, and not the attention of the younger generations as was hoped.


Inverted nipple consited only of vocals and percussion for the most part. Having being likened to Bobby McFaren on crack, they used computer technology to dub their voices over and over to create songs. Infact they didn't even know how to use any instruments at all. In the begining ThE GuRu could play the Trombone, and Cheesy BoB could play piano (sort of), and Phresh Tendrils could play game boy but that was about it. Those skills are the ones they never used. Deep inside the heart of a musician you'll find that they want to be able to produce music from inside, alone, without needing instruments, and so did Inverted Nipple.

Although they didn't use insturments they did do remakes of other artists songs. Their most famous being a Red Hot Chilli Pepper song, here are the lyrics..

Some times I feel like a big baked potato,
Some times I feel like I
need some butter,
It's the City I live in,
The City Of Boise,
Lonely as I am,
Together we fry.



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A trip to a live show!

In the Auditorium around 10 people sit scattered throughout the some odd two hundred place settings, and patiently wait for the curtains to open on the stage. Screaming and playing cards, listening to their own headsets, you could tell they were all geared up for their favorite band to come out and play their favorite songs. The lights in the Auditorium flcikered and the people quieted down.

The curtains opened.

The bare stage stood empty and completely still for several seconds. Suddenly a group of men, four men, walked out from behind the right wing, pulling a computer cart. They danced around and eventually positioned it in the center of the stage. A little feed back could be heard from the PC speakers in the silences. Then with a click of a mouse, the computer began to preform a pre-arranged playlist of Inverted nipple songs. As the music played dico lights began to whirl and flash pots exploaded, and the band members walked off the stage.

In acouple of hours the members walked back on stage and shut down the computer, the lights had stoped and the flash pots all burned out, and music was winding down as well. The auditorium was empty. That's the way Inverted Nipple inspired it's members, they were so inspired they had to go out and DO in this world of won'ts before they had even finished seeing the concert.

Truely powerful indeed.

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Comments and Suggestions

In the strange event that you have suggestions for a band that never became truely popular or ever known, please send your suggestions and comments to the following address listed lower in the page. You e-mails will not be replied to, because the band no longer exists. The good news is that we will post them at the bottom of this page to show how much people really care.

Please send me mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it.

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Contact Information

Electronic mail address

Mr. Valdez the executive advisor for most of TMDOTPBM Enterprises ventures, was not present at the time of this Bands well established nothingness, but he will take your e-mail, and do what should be done with it.

Web address
Do not click on this link

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UnCopyrighted 1995.
Last revised: February 14, 1999.