Les Profs du Terry
That's French
These are Terry's teachers throughout the years. He's liked all but one. That one knows who it is.
- Kindergarten - Mrs. Freeman
- 1st Grade - Mrs. VanderVen
- 2nd Grade - Mrs. Bedford
- 3rd Grade - Mr. Johnson
- 4th Grade - Mrs. McClain
- ------------ Mr. Reicchi - Science
- 5th Grade - Mr. Coletta
- 6th Grade - Mrs. DeYoung - Homeroom, Math
- ------------ Mr. Agard - Science
- ------------ Mrs. Kurland - Social Studies
- ------------ Mrs. Peterman - Reading
- 7th Grade - Mrs. Weikel - Homeroom, World Studies
- ------------ Mr. Bonnette - English, later Driver's Training
- ------------ Ms. Jacoby - Math
- ------------ Mrs. Hazard - Science
- 8th Grade - Mr. Fleming - Homeroom, Science
- ------------ Mr. Boyle - Math
- ------------ Mrs. Koopman - English
- ------------ Mr. Boyd - Computer Tech (GO FLYERS)
- ------------ Mrs. Pike - Economics
- ------------ ELECTIVES - Mr. Schroeder (Robotics)
- ---------------------------- Mr. Shanafelt (Robotics and Typing)
- ---------------------------- Mrs. Vester (Life Skills)
- ---------------------------- Mr. DeLong and Mr. VerHulst (Gym, Health, and Muskegon History)
- 9th Grade - Mr. McDougle (American Studies II)
- ------------ Mrs. Wallace (Business and Coumputer Literacy)
- ------------ Mrs. Schramski (French)
- ------------ Mr. (Marshall) Dick (English)
- ------------ Mr. Moore (Math)
- ------------ Mrs. Kelly and Mr. Cole (Intro to Biochemistry AB)
- 10th Grade - Mr. McDougle (American Studies II)
- ------------- Mrs. Scramski (French II)
- ------------- Mrs. Westerhof and Mr. Krukoswki (Intro to BioChem C/Physics)
- ------------- Mr. Schlaff and Mrs. Kleinheksel (English/Speech)
- ------------- Mr. Shively (Math)
- ------------- Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Elder-Williams (PALS)
- ------------- Mr. (Marshall) Dick (Student Publications)
- 11th Grade - Ms. Hanson
- ------------- Mr. Heaton (English)
- ------------- Mr. Crouch (Math)
- ------------- Mrs. Schramski (French III)
- ------------- Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Elder-Williams (PALS)
- ------------- Mrs. Milder (Math)
- ------------- Mr. Klairter (Theatre Arts I)
- 12th Grade - Mrs. Schramski (French IV)
- ------------- Mr. Klairter and Mr. Heaton (Theatre Arts II/Modern Mythology)
- ------------- Mr. Mast and Mr. DeLong (American Government/ Economics)
- ------------- Dr. VanHattum and Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Elder-Williams (Math/PALS)
- ------------- Mr. Wright (World History/Current Events)
- ------------- Mr. Tindall (English)
- Eastern Michigan University Semester One
- ------------- Dr. Pam Graves - World History in the 20th Century
- ------------- Dr. Chris Gardiner - Calculus I
- ------------- Isabelle Horn - Beginning French II
- ------------- Dr. Don Pearson - Economics 201 (Macroeconomics)
- Eastern Michigan University Semester Two (two weeks)
- ------------- Dr. C. Kotulski - Chemistry for non-majors
- ------------- Dr. K. Moreland - Economics 202 (Microeconomics)
- ------------- Dr. Jean Gust - Psychology
- ------------- Prof. John Samford Dugan - Intermediate French I
- ------------- Dr. Jiuqiang Liu - Calculus II
- Calvin College Semester One
- ------------- Dr. Daryl Brink - Calculus II
- ------------- Prof. Jeff Pyun - French
- ------------- Dr. Marlys Admiraal - Written Rhetoric
- ------------- Dr. Robert Hubbard - Communication and Culture 140
- Calvin College Semester Two
- ------------- Dr. R. John Ferdinands - Calculus II
- ------------- Dr. Glenn Fetzer - French III
- ------------- Dr. Roger DeKock - Intro to Chemistry
- ------------- Dr. Robert TerBorg - Intro to Psychology
- Calvin College Interim Semester One
- ------------- Prof. Carl Huisman and Dr. TerBorg - Fish: A Natural Resource
- Calvin College Semester Three
- ------------- Dr. Dave Warners - Intro to Biology
- ------------- Prof. Teresa TerHaar - Public Speaking
- ------------- Dr. Jim Turner -Multivariate Calculus
- ------------- Dr. Fetzer - French IV
- Calvin College Semester Four
- ------------- Dr. James Bradley - Probability and Statistics
- ------------- Dr. Rikki Wagstrom - Differential Equations
- ------------- Dr. Mike Smith - Introduction to Political Science (dropped)
- ------------- Dr. Scott VanderLinde - Economics 151
- ------------- Dr. Ferdinands and Dr. Turner - Math Colloquim
- ------------- Coach Kim - Badminton
- Calvin College Interim Semester Two
- ------------- Prof. Stob - Graph Theory
Calvin College Semester Five
- ------------- Dr. Tom Jager - Probability and Statistics
- ------------- Dr. Thor Wagstrom - History of the Western World II
- ------------- Dr. Morgan Rempel - Introduction to Philosophy
- ------------- Dr. Donald Hettinga - Understanding Literature
- ------------- Coach Tyler Amidon- Tennis
Calvin College Semester Six
- ------------- Prof. Jim Bradley - Probability and Statistics
- ------------- Dr. Richard Whitekettle - Psalms and Wisdom Books
- ------------- Dr. Delvin Ratzch - Introduction to Logic
- ------------- Dr. Randall Prium - Real Analysis
- ------------- Dr. Matthew Mathews - History of Christian Theology
- Calvin College Interim Semester Three
- ------------- Dr. Thor Wagstrom - Nonviolent Activism
- Calvin College Semester Seven
- ------------- Dr. James Timmer, Jr. - Jogging
- ------------- Dr. David Billings - Business Ethics
- ------------- Dr. John Ferninands and Dr. Jim Turner - Abstract Algebra
- ------------- Dr. Jeremy Frens - Computer Programming (dropped)
- ------------- Dr. Jeff Pettinga - Cycling
- ------------- Dr. Morgan Rempel - Ethics
- Calvin College Semester Eight
- ------------- Dr. Rebecca DeYoung - History of Philosophy I
- ------------- Dr. Hardy - History of Philosphy II
- ------------- Dr. John Ferdinands - Calculus II
- ------------- Dr. Jeremy Frens - Computer Programming (completed)
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