Welcome to Buddy's Page!!
Buddy is a Meyers parrot, from the Poicephalus family. Senegals are also from this family of parrots.
They are smaller birds, who are usually around 10 inches total length. Small birds with huge personalities!!
Red Bellies, Brown heads, Capes, Yellow Faces, Niam Niams, Ruppels and Jardines are also members of the Poicephalus family.
The Poicephalus family of parrots come from Africa originally, but have been bred in North America for a number of years now.
Buddy was hatched here in Ottawa, on February 19, 1997. These birds have a life expectancy of 30 years or more, with proper care.
Buddy has a huge vocabulary and adds words to it on a daily basis. He surprises me alot of the time with some of the stuff he says. I am continually saying "WHAT???" to him.
Here are some pictures of him. He is very pretty and has a turquoise blue back. Click on the thumbs to see the full sized images. Back button will take you back here when viewing full size images.
Buddy was a rescue. He belonged to a elderly couple and was the husband's bird. The husband got sick, and had to be hospitalized. The man was in the hospital for 6 months, and then he died.
Buddy started to act vicious and bite, because he missed his chosen one. The widowed lady, found that she could not handle Buddy anymore because he bit her every time she tried to take him out of his cage. Buddy stayed in his cage for 9 months.
Sadly, Buddy became cage bound, and was ignored because of his biting. I bought Buddy, and the conditions he was living in were horrible.
I bought him in November, 1999, and I couldn't touch him, because he bit me every time. But, with alot of patience and loving, Buddy learned to trust me, and today, he is a very happy, cuddly parrot who loves to be petted, and out of his cage.
When you are rehabilitating a parrot I learned a lot about trust. I was a newbie learning how to make Buddy a happier bird. I discovered very early in the process that the only way for a bird to recover, is to gain it's trust. This is a process that cannot be rushed.
You have to work at the speed the bird is comfortable with, and never force a issue on it. It took 5 months before I could handle Buddy without him biting me to the bone. He is a totally different Parrot now, and is sitting on my shoulder as I type this, saying,,,
"Buddy is a good boy!"