.. .. .. . Ghosts of the Antipode

Bio Page: Estri


Callsign: Estri
Joined: 2000.10
Skins: none
Squads: Wolf Pack
Intro: Composing the Present
History: Hollow Places


Location: United Kingdom
Birthdate: ?
Email: estri@antipode.cjb.net
ICQ number: ?
Website: none
Forums: none


Character information: (name/rank undefined)

General history

Estri served as a mercenary before the Starsiege, eventually joining the Black Death Union. She underwent transformation as most BDU warriors did, and when she attempted to investigate she was drummed out of the Union. She was captured by the Cybrids at the beginning of the Starsiege, later rescued by and accepted into the Wolf Pack. She remained with the Pack until Tycho requested she be reassigned to Mercury and the Fantasma Colony.

Development of abilities

Information on abilities not currently available.


Information on traits not currently available.

Character study

