Card Count 178
Trade Log
Got Four out of six couples right: Balto01, cossette17, goddessmovie08, smhelios13, and special07Valentiens Event:
Got from Dragonpoet: 6 randoms: digimon109, hackroots14, magicindex17, mermaid06, princesstutu108, and spirit20 and 3 choice: shippudenmove15, shippudenmovie19, and shippuddenmovie20
Got from Rhap-chan: 5 Randoms: carpetride12, ccsmovie09, flux08, flux20 and special08, and 6 Choice: petshop01, petshop05, petshop08, petshop15, petshop21, and petshop25
Got from Sam: 7 Randoms: balto05, bleachmemories14, cardz18, ccsmovie12, digimonmovie03, fraulein111, and samurai715, and 5 Choice: Shippudenmovie12, shippudenmovie14, shippudenmovie17, shippudenmovie21 and shippudenmovie22
Grave Yard 1: 17 and 22 First Round. 03 and 23 Second Round.
Grave Yard 2: smgroup25, smhelios22 and smhelios23
$50 deck Creation
New Decks: Carpetride09, renaissence225, and rebuildeva06Image Shreader: appleseed15, rebuildeva22, honorable23, spirit08, unicorn19, series coupon, puzzle coupon, $10, $5 puzzle0903
Auction: Zombiel05, kanon201, aquarion23, princesstutu111
Traded in special choice coupon for puzzle0902
Group Collect: special choice coupon, 2x series coupon
Traded sam my bleachmemories12 and mermaid 09 for their petshop04 and petshop14 and member cardstraded dragonpoet my ghostfiles02, 05, 20 for sailor dream05, 08, and 12
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x9Special Items