Celestial Heavens Crystal Tokyo (My other TCG)
Fatal Cards
Midnight Tempest
Moonlight Legend
Mystery Sagashi
Trading Academy
TCG Mastered Sets
Card Count Total 202
Trade Log
Trade Log will be cleared once ever two weeks
Traded with Emma my bride19 for their keeper14
Leveled Up Got Calyx05 and Calyx15 along with random regular, movie10, and ourdestiny12 and ep2411
Traded with Galanomne my indulgence09 and indulgence10 for their ep0107 and ep0113
Got Rose07 from as a gift as stated on the main page of the site
Traded in my withinreach19 double fore shackled14
Traded in my four random regulars and got tomboy01 and tomboy20
Traded in my tweleve random episodes and got ep101, ep102, ep103, ep104, ep105, and ep106
Found the last party item Presents: It contained self03, indulgence08, random episode, and random character
Traded in my twelve random puzzles and got breeze01, breeze02, breeze03, breeze04, breeze05, and breeze06
Chuchu's Confusion, ep1717, ep1109, and random puzzle
Saionji's Mixup: ep1012, choice15, and random puzzle
Entrance Exam: lapris20, ep2401 and random regular
ep1406, figment10, revolutionnarie05 and random character
Got Temple01 and Temple20 as well dios01 and ep3619 from the new decks and offered a trade to cerri
Traded with Cerri my conscience04, ep1813 and ep1817 for their choice06 ep110, and keeper16
Chuchu confusion: tomboy14, keeper11, and random puzzle
Saionji's Mix Up:twins13, reason03, and random episode
Entrance Exam: coffin11, bitter14 and random episode
Freebies: adore19, living10, roses03, and random character
Lotto: I got three numbers correct: Random card- self08 choice card - calyx06
War: I tied and got ep1607
Used the randomizer to turn in Twins13 and roses03 and got choice16 and revolutionnaire06
Here is My Badge
Currently Collecting
Utena Collection
Future Collections
Trading Episodes
Trading Puzzles
Trading Specials
x03 x03 x03 x01 x00Mastered
Pending Trades