Who Is

Wasteland Man©





Well It all seemed to start about a million years ago.

...That's a bit too far back...

Lets start again.

Here We go, Here's my Dad Holding me on a 1963 Buick. I'm not near as old as that car, so you do the math.

As you can see Dad was preparing me well for the eventuality of the Apocalypse! (Buicks besides being luxury cars are also built like veritable tanks!)

That picture was taken in Florida. A place I wouldn't even really get to know.

When I was about three years old my Parents packed up and went West.

Ah, The Wasteland, the dry, hot, dusty desert.

Some folks might think that it would be awful. I've actually thrived here. In fact I can honestly say, I LOVE it!


I grew up on a Mountain, I know it looks like a farm, and in many ways it was. We had a garden, chickens, and the occasional Cougar that would roam by. At the time we considered anyone a neighbor who was within 10 miles. The garden and the chickens sure helped us to to be somewhat self-suffcient.

I roamed those hills for hours on end, (when I wasn't in school.) With my Faithful German Shepherd, "Princess".

She was half Wolf and half German Shepherd. Never have I seen a more faithful dog. Once when I was nine, a friend and I were playing, and he fell into a cactus, and began to scream. Princess heard and thought it was me. I'll be darned if that dog didn't jump (climb?) an eight foot, chicken wire fence, to try and save me. (I might add that she was pregnant with litter of pups at the time!)

Major Influences:

Well, Living in the Wasteland, Certainly I was attracted, as a Kid, to things that I would be familiar with. So I would watch Saturday morning shows Like... ARK II!

This show had everything! Post apocalyptic setting adventurous hero's, and a talking Monkey!

They were three scientists, with biblical names,on a mission to reclaim the wasteland. This they did by helping anyone they came across Riding in their supped up RV! freaking well made show!

(For 1976 anyway...)

I really wanted a Jetpack...

...And Then there was Thundarr.

Boy what a disappointment this show was.

I mean it had all the elements of a good apocalyptic show, but failed miserably.

I mean really, a meteor coming between the earth and moon is NOT gonna cause the range of mutations that we saw in that show! even as a kid I knew that!

Ruby Spears were much too chicken to venture where Ark II did. I'm sure that they figured parents would be writing their congress folk to complain that little Jimmy was having nightmares of a nuclear holocaust. I wonder if any kids had nightmares about comets?

Gamma World™:

Gamma World is a trademark of TSR Hobbies Inc.

Forget That medieval, middle earth stuff! (I do Like Tolkien By the way! So don't lynch me!)

The future however, is where it's at!

As Uncle Bear will tell you RPGs are keen!

This was my first foray into a Role Playing Game. Wow, what can I say I loved it, It was a way to release the inner Wasteland Man inside! I could become a wasteland warrior, with out even getting up from the kitchen table!

More to come!


Copyright 1997-2001

Humdinger Studios Inc.