Blood Donations
American Red Cross, blood donations — (800) 448-3543
(please check with one of the toll-free numbers, or your local office, for more information)
New York:
Upstate New York, please call (800) 448-3543 or (800) 272-4543
New York City Region, please call (800) 692-5663 or (800) 933-2566 Washington, DC:
Blood donors in the DC area: 1-800-Give-Blood and 1-800-give-life

Blood Donation Guidelines (please read!)
The Red Cross is only asking for type O blood right now, although they will need other types in the next couple of weeks to replenish supplies. They prefer if people call to make an appointment rather than just dropping in. Check the list below to make sure you qualify to give blood.

You cannot give blood if you: Have, or have ever had, Hepatitis or heart disease.
Are feeling unwell, or have flu or cold symptoms.
Are under 17.
Are under 110 pounds.
Have already given blood within the last 8 weeks.
Have had dental work in the last week.
Have had a tattoo or piercing in the last year (depending on the method).
Have had a immunizations in the last month.
Are on prescription medication (some meds are ok).

You will also be asked if you have been out of the country in the last three years and where; travel to Europe is generally considered ok, Africa, Asia and Central/South America may disqualify you. For a more complete list of requirements, please visit

Canadian Donation
The number to call for Canadians is 1-800-2-DONATE (1-800-236-6283), and the official website is There are also a lot of local blood drives going on.

Cash Donations
American Red Cross
Cash donations — (800) HELP-NOW
Red Cross donations through Amazon
Red Cross Donations through PayPal
 Salvation Army
Cash donations — (800) SAL-ARMY
Note: Donations to the Salvation Army should be marked : "for terrorist victims" or they may not make it to that fund.
Other Red Cross Resources
(This site has been down a lot recently)

  Thank You,
