Saturn Cockpit Pictures

Hits 6/22/1998 sense.
Updated: Nov. 1, 2003
"" Pages Added
11/17/1998 see
New Below!!

Straight Time Saturday Night
Saturday Night, November 7, 1998

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All pictures were taken on a
Sony Digital Mavica

(It writes to Floppy Disks.)

The Web Pages were created with the help of:
  • FrontPage Express - web page editor.
  • ThumbsPlus 3.30-R - picture handling and basic page set up. This made this site possible.

  • WS_FTP95 LE - transferring the pictures to the site.

  • Previewed with:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01.
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5(Bata)
    Netscape Commander.
    Both in Windows 98.

View links to the above programs
and other Saturn Sites.

© 1998, 1999, 2000 - gwg
Write To Me With Your Comments on this Page. Just Click Here.

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  August 13, 1998 - 4:00 PM
  Tuesday, November 17, 1998 5:03:38 PM
  Monday, December 28, 1998 12:10:14 PM
1233.gif (1585 bytes)   Wednesday, May 5, 1999 10:10:13 PM
  Tuesday, October 26, 1999 11:25:50 PM
  Saturday, November 1, 2003 11:53:50 AM


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