Gundam Wing Fiction

Disclaimer A:

The stories in this section, while being original, contain characters from series that do not belong to me, or the other people writing them. Characters/series etc. are merely being borrowed, albeit without permission, for our enjoyment. No money is being made from them, by me or anybody else. Please don't sue us. If you are not comfortable with fan fiction, please don't read them. Also, some of these stories contain shounen ai or yaoi material (ie male/male love and or sex). These stories will be labeled, if you are not over the age of 18, please do not read them. If you are under 18 and choose to read them anyway, please point out to any angry parents that they are labeled, it was your choice, and do not blame me. Comments and criticims to the author is welcome, but no flaming. Thank you for your time.

Disclaimer B:

I do not own Gundam Wing or any characters in it. Gundam Wing belongs to Sotsu, Sunrise, ANB, and other rich people. I am making no profit, and I have no money.

Stand Alones:

Light as the Breeze Rated NC-17 for extremely dark content, a lot of dark content. A look into Duo's life and how he really got the name Shinigami.


Lux Aeterna A series that spans from Endless Waltz to several years past the end of the series. Relena and Duo grow up. Heero is clueless and must find a way to undo the damage he has done to his and Duo's relationship. Contains Fiat Lux.

copyright 2005