Warnings: This story is NC-17 due to content. Yahoo has a policy that states that some areas on its servers contain adult content. This story does contain adult, and quite possibly objectionable content. By continuing on and reading this story, you are affirming that you are above the age of consent in your area (usually 18 or 21 in most areas), and that you are taking responsibility for reading this story. If you choose to continue on you are affirming that you are a mature and responsible reader capable of handling the content. If you are underage, and your parents catch you, it is still your fault and not mine. I have placed the warnings and rated it appropriately. Don't complain to me if you do not like the writing or content after reading. And if you don't want to read it please go back to the main page.
Warnings: NC-17. Dark themes (ie Angst, NCS--aka rape--pedophilia, prostitution, drug abuse, violence, murder, and anything else my twisted, stressed and cranky mind can come up with) and the occasional light and fluffy part. This story also contains Shounen Ai (male/male love). I have also played fast and loose with what is known of Duo's past in the Gundam Wing time line. This just might be considered AU.
Pairings: 3X4. I'm not sure about any others at this time.
Copyright 2005