Disclaimers: Gundam Wing does not belong to Ashura. It belongs to Sotsu, Sunrise, and ANB, and other people. Please don't sue.


By Ashura

"This one's mine!" Not that Duo had given anyone else a chance to argue. He'd already seized the green glitter pen and inscribed "DUO" across the fluffy white top of his chosen stocking. "And Heero gets the angel one!"

"/Why/?" demanded four other voices, unable to come to terms with the use of 'Heero' and 'Angel' in the same sentence.

Duo pouted.

"Can--can I have the one with camels on it? Please?" Quatre asked hopefully, his eyes adorably big. Hey, sometimes the constant chorus of "Awwww...." could get old, but other times, it came in handy.

"Awwww!" Not even Wufei was immune, and he passed said item across the table. "As if I care which one is mine! I'll take whatever is left when you are all finished being gooey over them."

"Then Heero gets the angel!" Duo declared triumphantly. "At least, I assume Trowa wants the lions."

Trowa shrugged. He wasn't sure why a Christmas stocking even /had/ lions--it was far less logical than camels--but why complain?

"I dunno, I think it kinda fits you," Duo said, scribing Wufei's name across a stocking bearing a picture of Frosty the Snowman.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wufei demanded.

"Oh, nothing--"

"Nothing. Hmph. Heero Yuy is an angel, and I'm a snowman. Maxwell, you are a very strange person."

Duo just grinned. "Be nice or I'm replacing all your presents with a lump of coal!"

Wufei just sighed.

*****END VIGNETTE******

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More of Ashura's work can be found here, at her website.

Copyright 2005