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Opa, Masterweaver of Pern

Quick Facts | Character History

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[Sketch of Opa]

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Name: Opa
Character created: December 1993
Current position: Craftmaster of the Weavers
Previous positions:
  • Igen Weyr Candidate (Jan & Feb '94)
  • Apprentice Weaver (4/2/94 - 4/3/94)
  • Journeyrank Weaver (4/3/94 - 3/6/94)
  • Weaver Apprentice Master (3/6/94 - 14/12/94)
  • Weaver Craftsecond (14/12/94 - 3/10/94)

    Previous postings:

  • Benden Weyr (Mar 1994 - Sep 1995

  • Family:
  • Mother: Marcina, kitchen woman at Nerat Hold
  • Father: Elyan, from the Southern Continent


  • Brown: Whorf
  • Blues: Sapir, Marine, Dalen
  • Greens: Eager, Rahmee
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    Table of Contents

    1. Opa's Beginnings (Pre-incarnation on PernMUSH)
    2. Candidacy (Jan & Feb 1994)
    3. The Weavercraft (Feb 1994 - Mar 1994)
    4. Benden Weyr (Mar 1994 - Sep 1995)
    5. Back to the Weavercrafthall (Sep 1995 - present)

    Opa's Beginnings

    Opa is the only child of Marcina, a kitchen-woman at Nerat Hold. She was unexpectedly produced during a brief affair with a wanderer from the Southern Continent by the name of Elyan. Previous to his arrival at Nerat, he had travelled rather extensively across the Northern Continent, 'sowing his oats,' so to speak, as he went. This has left Opa with several half-siblings around the world, although she is quite ignorant of their very existence.

    Nerat was Elyan's last stop in the north. Shortly after his liaison with Marcina he boarded a ship and returned, finally, home. Shortly after, the young woman discovered that she had conceived, and within three seasons, Opa was born. The girl grew up knowing very little of her father apart from his roots in the south and a few other details which her mother was able to tell her. Marcina devoted her life to her work and raising her daughter, and never married or conceived again. Naturally the small family of two grew quite close, though Marcina's powerful love for her daughter often extended into overprotectiveness.

    Nevertheless, Opa was a happy and delightful child, dutiful and patient. She grew up in the caverns of Nerat with Wilhem's famous chicken to nourish her and many everyday tasks to keep her busy. She learned to swim, fish, gut packtail and cook, but her mother preferred her to perform chores which kept her close and safe in the Hold.

    From a very early age, it was evident that Opa's favourite activities by far were those involving crafty hands and an artistic eye. Her deft fingers kept her occupied at seam-sewing and needlework for hours on end. Excelling in such simple occupations, she was soon moved on to more complex tasks such as tailoring and tapestries, and she became a great help when the drudges needed new shifts, or the young ladies of the Blood new blouses.

    By age sixteen, her talent was flourishing, but her mother still could not bear to let her go away to try for an apprenticeship at the Weavercrafthall in Southern Boll. However, an event soon occurred which took Opa away from Nerat permanently.


    While Opa was on an errand with a group of Neratians to the Mastersmithhall, green Tayefeth and her rider D'riana, of Igen, happened in Search to the Crafthall at the time the girl was there. Tayefeth showed great interest in Opa, snuffling at her skirts until she was quite distracted. When D'riana asked her if she would consent to becoming a Candidate to the hardening eggs of Lemarath's most recent clutch, Opa was filled with elation. She knew that she could not refuse such a summons, regardless of her mother's reaction, and consented. She was flown to Igen after a brief stop at Nerat to console a proud yet heavy-hearted Marcina, and to collect her few belongings.

    Opa's period of Candidacy was quite an adjustment for the holdbred girl. She was required to observe quite a different lifestyle from what she was used to, and was given a chance to observe dragons close-up for the first time in her young life. Having a sweet personality made her many friends, including two fellow Candidates named Allis and Molly. The three girls became fast friends, and as Hatching day approached, promised each other that no matter what the outcome, they would always remain close.

    When the dragons began to hum and the Candidates were shoved onto the sands in a whirlwind of excited chaos, blue Celerith strode confidently to Molly, and green Maenth literally knocked Allis down in her eagerness to Impress. However, although many of the fledglings looked Opa over, she was left dragonless by the time the last shell had cracked. With mixed feelings of sadness and disappointment, she left the sands with the other unacceptables.

    The Weavercraft

    Perhaps it was fate that she happened to bump into Master Cleona of the Weavercraft during the Hatching celebrations, perhaps not. Nevertheless, made uncharacteristically bold by her jumbled feelings and determination not to return to Nerat a failure, she asked the master if she could be considered for apprenticeship. After a glance at a sample of Opa's handiwork, Cleona whisked her off to Southern Boll without another word and gave her an apprentice's knot.

    The next evening, Opa took her place with the other apprentices at dinner, and was startled to find Jacella, the daughter of Nerat's Lord Holder, sitting straight across from her. Never having had the opportunity to meet before given the great difference in their statuses, the two found they had much to talk about, given their common origin. Opa's disappointment of the day before was soon eased as she began to fit in. As Craftmaster Lenore appointed Cleona as her Craftsecond and promoted Zelez from journeyranker to Mastertailor that evening, Opa and Jacella exchanged low whispers of friendship across the table.

    When her apprenticeship formally began, Opa found herself in her element, and delighted in her work. Within a season she had been promoted to journeyranker, Jacella's promotion soon following. Opa was assigned to Benden Weyr and Jacella to Southern Boll Hold, but Jacella was twice taken on Search, eventually Impressing green Phaeth at Ista.

    Benden Weyr

    Opa arrived at Benden on the back of Weyrwoman Merla's golden Kimbrith, at a time when F'hlan was still Weyrleader from Tiamanth's last flight. Throwing herself into her work, she soon gained friendship and respect from the varied Weyrfolk. Through her subsequent promotions first to Apprentice Master and then Craftsecond, she remained at Benden, working her Craft diligently.

    Back to the Weavercrafthall

    In the first sevendays of the sixth month of Turn 11 of the 10th Pass, Opa received a message hide from Lenore, the Masterweaver, which stated that she was being recalled to the mail crafthall in Southern Boll. Reluctant to leave the Weyr which been her posting for the past seven Turns, and which she was proud to call her home, Opa was nevertheless duty-bound to follow the callings of her Craft. After informing a none-too-pleased P'tran and Jehrina, she set to work moving herself out of the Weyr. Within a few days, she could delay her departure no longer and accepted F'laav and Tidranth's kind offer of a ride back to Boll.

    Mere sevendays later, the reason behind Lenore's summons became apparent. In a private conversation, the Masterweaver revealed that her health was failing her too badly for her to continue as the Weavercraftmaster, and that she was passing that appointment onto the younger Opa, since she felt it was time the Craft be passed on to younger blood. After being initially overwhelmed, Opa accepted, on the condition that Lenore would use her retirement to rest, enjoy the Southern Boll sun, and improve her health. Thus did Opa ignominiously become the leader of her Craft, appointing Master Varina as her Craftsecond, and determinedly setting about to do the best that she could for her Hall.

    The one sour note in her otherwise successful life are her mother's repeated complaints in their correspondence about Opa's lack of a husband. Marcina constantly frets about her daughter being as alone as she herself is, and puts an undue amount of pressure on Opa to produce some grandchildren for her. If asked, Opa will airily laugh her mother's cares away, but, now in her mid-twenties, the laugh is beginning to take on a twinge of worry, barely detectable, but there all the same.

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    Archive of Opa's commissions | Opa's player's home page | Weavercraft home page

    Last updated December 3, 1996.