Unicron 2's Sci-Fi Jumpgate.

ISN Website News.

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I haven't had the chance to make modifications to this site. Now, I finally get the chance to do so. I plan to let you know of these changes through this News section as they are made.

MAY 4th. 2001.
The first order of business was to make a few corrections to the text of several sections, including the main page itself. Also, the section once known as "Tales of Love and Friendship" is now called "The Shrine of Friendship". This section originally had 3 individual shrines posted. As of today, 2 of the original 3 shrines were permanently deleted, while the third one, dedicated to Rhonda Mester, was reinstated.

MAY 17th. 2001.
This site can now keep tabs on Major League Baseball highlights and info thanks to the new Baseball 2001 window now installed on the main page. Also, the different links to the various files and links on the main page are now centered. Plus, a link to Cartoon Network's TOONAMI ia now available.

JULY 9th, 2001.
I finally have the Transformers HTML file up and running. Unfortunately, it has only one site so far. I still haven't had the time to go out and hunt for TF sites out there on the Internet, but at least the directory is up. I will do everything in my power to post links here. After all, Transformers is one of my favorite hobbies. I even managed to find the original TF grid background, which simply had to be here.

JULY 30th, 2001.
The shrine dedicated to Diane Wilson is now once again featured at the Shrine of Friendship. Also, the Forces of Light and Miscellaneous Links sections have been redesigned. (Thanks Diane for your input)

AUGUST 8th, 2001.
The WARHAMMER 40K html directory is up, although it has no links yet. Still, at least it ia one step in the right direction.

SEPTERMBER 7th, 2001.
All the Babylon 5 links found on this page can now be accessed through a special B5 links section that can be accessed via the Miscellaneous Links section on this site. I plan to gather here all the B5 links I find out there that I consider interesting and will hopefully lead to a handy B5 resource.

OCTOBER 8th, 2001.
The Transformers section now has a link to Mainframe Entertainment Inc. They were the good folks who brought us both Beast Wars and Beast Machines to our TV screens for the enjoyment of all. You might also remember them as the creative minds behind Reboot, the show that started the fully-CGI cartoon genre. Visit them to get some nice goodies and to keep abreast of your favorite shows.

OCTOBER 9th, 2001.
The Warhammer 40K area on this site has its' first two links, the official Games Workshop site and New Wave, an online gaming store. More links will follow. Also, as I stated on the main page, this site can also be accessed via www.geocities.com/unicron2.geo as well as the primary one at www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/6885. Be sure to update your browsers although both the old and new addresses work.

NOVEMBER 6th. 2001.
Well, baseball season has come to and end and we have a brand-new World Series Champion. As such, the baseball toolbar once found on the main page is gone for the off-season too. Don't worry, it will be back next season, though it will most likely be placed elsewhere on this site. Congratulations to the Arizona Diamondbacks: the 2001 World Series Champions. A great season and a well-earned victory. Well done!

NOVEMBER 14th, 2002.
Once again, baseball season has come and gone and one of the best post-season races in memory has seen the rise of a new sun. Congratulations to the Anahein Angels, first-time World Series Champions, who fought long and hard against an equally hungry and capable San Francisco team. They both deserve the rings, but, as the Highlander motto goes.. there can be only one.

JUNE 7th, 2003.
I have managed to put forth a brief introduction for my 40K army on my WARHAMMER 40K section. I plan to register it for the Eye Of Terror campaign currently being sponsoerd by Games Workshop since I see this as a chance to develop an ongoing storyline that might even affect the outcome of an actual gaming line.. Who knows. At any rate, I had already compiled stats and info on my army for actual use on games and tournaments. The lists are indeed battle tested, but I never got around to posting them. However, now that the Eye is opening, I will post them soon.

OCTOBER 26th, 2003.
The 2003 baseball season is over and this year's champions.. The Florida Marlins, who overcame a string of SERIOUS longshot scenarios to recapture the title they first got 10 years after being formed. The only sad thing is.. we never got to see a Cubs vs. Red Sox series.. that would have been awesome.

JULY 30th, 2004.
I made a much-needed expansion to the site's disclaimer in order to address legal notes that no site should be without, especially fan-run sites like this one. I also added 2 links to the Warhammer 40k section. Be sure to check these out.

NOVEMBER 5th, 2004.
The Boston Red Sox have finally broken the Curse (or should I say "coise"?) of the Bambino. They are now the World Series Champions. Thw question now is, can they repeat? Can the Chicago Cubs break their curse? Will we ever see a Cubs vs Red Sox World Series? We can only guess.

OCTOBER 31st, 2005.
Last year, it was the Red Sox. This year, it is the White Sox. Are we sensing a trend here? The south side of Chicago is rejoicing with its` long-overdue championship. Congratulations. Let`s see if the Cubs get in gear and claim a championship.

NOVEMBER 16th, 2006.
I have been away for far too long, lots of things going on in the real world, not the least of which is a steady teacher's post and other things. Nevertheless, it's time to celebrate. The St. Louis Cardinals are this year's World Series champions. I am eagerly looking forward to the 2007 season. I'm also taking the time to add the site's first SF link in a long time, a starship comparison site. Check it out at my links page.

MARCH 4TH, 2009.
it's been 3 years since I last updated my page. For anyone who has been wondering what's up, here is the scoop. I have been very busy with that theaching gig, and as you might imagine, that takes an awful lot of time. I realize this site needs some serious updating, particularly the links page, with the passing of Toonami. I intend to make a special Toonami tribute page and add an Adult Swim link. Also, the video game links need some serious updating with the release of Doom 3, some of the later Transformers games released for the PS2 and the ongoing adventures of Kyle Katarn during the Jedi Knight series. Those will be posted at a later date. Finally, the following long-overdue salute to the Boston Red Sox and the Philadelphia Phillies for their World Series achievements for 2007 and 2008 respectively. I for one, will be attending the World Baseball Classic.