Unicron 2's Sci-Fi Jumpgate

Descent I and II Reference File.

This section contains cheat codes for the PC and PlayStation versions of Descent. It also has cheat codes for Descent II. PC version. I will add homebuilt Descent 2 levels here in the future.

Descent. (PC)

All keys: MITZI

Cheats enabled: GABBAGABBAHEY

Cloaking on/off: GUILE

Invulnerability on/off: RACERX

Shields recharged: TWILIGHT

Warp to any non-secret level: FARMERJOE

Turbo mode...EVERYTHING speeds up: BUGGIN

Extra Life: BRUIN

WowieZowie weapons: SCOURGE

Super WowieZowie weapons (all weapons): BIGRED

Keep enemy ship from firing: AHIMSA

Show path to the exit: FLASH

Descent II. (PC)

All weapons, full ammo: MOTHERLODE

All keys: CURRYGOAT:

Bouncing weapons: ERICAANNE

Homing weapons: EATANGELOS

Full Automap: ROCKGRL


All Accessories: ALIFALAFEL

Give homing weapons: LPNLIZARD

Strange heads appear on the border using a reduced window setting: PIGFARMER

Invulnerability: SINGERMARS

Invulnerability: ALMIGHTY

Level warp: WHAMMAZOOM

Level warp: FREESPACE

GuideBot attacks enemies: GOWINGNUT

Make more GuideBots: HELPVISHNU

Screen warps abnormally: BITTERSWEET

Kill all robots the first time you type, kill the boss robot the second time, kill the GuideBot after third time: SPANIARD

Ramming attack, kill robots by bumping into them: GODZILLA

Descent. (PlayStation)

To activate these codes, press the following during game play, not on pause mode. You will get a message confirming each successful cheat code activation:

Extra Life:
Sqare,Triangle, Circle, ,X,, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle,Triangle, X.

Full Shields:
Triangle, Triangle, X, Square,Triangle, Circle, Triangle, X,Square, X, Triangle, X.

Negative Palette effect:
Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle.

Psychedelic Palette effect:
Square, Triangle, Circle, (Circle), Square, Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, X, Square.

Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Square,X, Triangle.

Crazy Robots:
Square, X, Square, X, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square.

Turbo Mode:
Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, X, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X.

All keys:
Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, X.

Full Level Access:
Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square.

Level warp with "MegaWowieZowie" weapons, all fully stocked:
Triangle, Square, Circle, X,Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square.

All weapons fully stocked, full level access, 10 lives.
Triangle, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, X.

Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square,Triangle, Square, X.

Here are a couple of screenshots from Za'Ha'Damaged, the first of my Forces of Light levels. It will give you something to look forward to.

Links to other sites on the Web

Interplay's Descent Page
The Official Descent I & II FAQ
The Descendarium

Descent I &II: Copyright 1997 Parallax Software. All rights reserved. Interplay is a registered trademark of Interplay Productions.


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