By: Robert T. Lee

>>>>>GREETINGS CLASS>>>>Today we shall spend time in ward "man is manmade." You will correctly guess by the name of this ward that there is something seriously spiritually awry with the patients in it. You will note that all of the patients appear to be educated, but they have the fatal disease of atheism. They were raised with that awful disease.
Well I for one was not RAISED AN ATHEIST! I came to my personal and moral judgement after a lot of introspection and thought. (Took about 5 years.)
Now before we enter this ward, make sure you wear you rubber gloves, aprons, masks and glasses. Now notice the pitiful condition of the eyes of every one of the patients. Notice the awful stench of the green and yellow pus running from their eyes. The awful disease of atheism has done that to them. Do you see the awful condition of that patient over there? His name is PapaSam. Look at that patient besides him, his name is Peter. Oh Look there! Her name is Joette.
He's really scary isn't he? How does he actually make this kind of twisted preaching up?!? Does he really expect people to follow his god by reading this rubbish? It was this kind of 'fear induction' by a preacher that turned me into an atheist.
Now what I want each of you to do for the rest of the period is adopt a patient, and I want you to work one-on-one with them to observe their awful condition.
Student #10, why are you crying? "I don't understand TEACHER. What terrible effects atheism has had on the patient I adopted! Should a blind man ask for evidence of the existence of that which he cannot see. What if that which he cannot see cannot be monitored by any faculty except sight and proof cannot be given to him otherwise? Should he conclude that those things do not exist simply because he cannot himself see them? When those things are described to him by people who can see, should he regard their descriptions as fairy tales? Atheism has totally deceived him. Doesn't he understand that a blind man must accept a lot of things by faith simply because he cannot see them and he may not be able to monitor them otherwise?"

But the difference being is that the blind man has to avoid ACTUAL PHYSICAL OBJECTS. He is not avoiding pink elephants, UFO's, or a several thousand year old deity. There is a difference of what could be defined as faith here.
Student #10, he will never understand that unless he is cured of atheism. What you have described is one of the awful effects of the disease of atheism. You will not be able to effect a cure yourself. Not even education can effect a cure. Education only compounds the problem as you can see. Only God, the One atheism causes them to reject can effect a cure if He is pleased to do so.

So I guess we should revert to the old ways of 'education'. Teach only creationism in schools, make no mention of evolution. Avoid progress. Remain ignorant of the world and others beliefs!
No. The world would become a depressing place to live in.
Education played a part in my atheism, it allowed me to question my blind faith when I was young. It also allows me to question politicians that make grand claims. My rationality and education allow me to make moral judgements based on what effects my actions will have on others.
Deny people education and then you will have only blind faith in those with power. And just because they have power, doesn't mean they are morally better people.


I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee