By: Robert T. Lee

GOOD MORNING CLASS: Today, I make a perpetual, proud and bold boast before all atheists, agnostics and non believers, which I challenge particularly the most educated of them to match. The boast is this: The grace I have received from God Most high, the faith I have in Him and the holy principles of God I seek to exalt and live by have placed me in an infinitely superior and blessed position than any atheist, agnostic and non believer is in.
Challenge accepted!
As a reasonably educated atheist (you don't have to be 'educated' to be an atheist, just 'open-minded') I too have an equal, if not GREATER boast. I am morally superior to Mr Lee in many aspects and I will attempt to explain this to him.

The Laws I live by are superior to yours in that mine causes me to properly carry out my responsibilities to my Maker and to mankind, yours don't;
The rules I live by are based on the Golden Rule. "Treat others as you expect to be treated by them." The basis for christianity I believe. But originating several thousand years BEFORE.
Mine causes me to glorify my Maker, yours glorify satan;
There is no satan. If there was a satan, I would have NO desire to follow such a stupid looking christian villian anyway!
mine causes me to live like humans were originally created to live, yours cause you to live contrary to proper human nature;
Darwinism is not your strong point is it Mr Lee. If we evolved then what was the purpose? We were simply the best species to survive. Primarily by killing the opposition, though because of our self-awareness we now see what our actions have on others and we have now become more civilised and tolerant of our fellow man.
mine causes me to bring forth fruit unto eternal life, yours to eternal damnation;
Bit of an odd one this. Are you suggesting my children will go to hell?! Oh how moral of you. My children will be allowed to choose their own spiritual path in life. Shame on you.
mine causes me to seek to remove all sin and moral decay from the world, yours seek to remove morality from the world;
Remove ALL sin. Their is not a day when ANYONE can claim not to have done a sinful thing. (According to the Bible) You could start by not condemning others and try to help those less fortunate than yourself.
mine causes me to seek to save the lives of innocent human fetuses and embryos, yours deceptively declare them as nonhumans and put them to death unjustly and prevent you from seeking to save their lives;
Sigh. Some lives can never be saved. Is it really moral to allow a small newborn to live in agony which has no chance of survival more than a few days? Should a woman be FORCED to carry a rapist's child?
mine causes me to seek to remove death worthy criminals from the face of the earth, yours causes you to keep death worthy criminals alive;
Atheists, Muslims, Hindus, gays, adulters, AIDS sufferers etc. all deserve death. And this is moral!?!
mine causes me to hate all evil and love all righteousness, yours cause you to hate all righteousness and love all evil;
If you REALLY wanted to glorify your god, you should spread a message of peace and forgiveness like Jesus in the NEW TESTAMENT not the fire and brimstone of the Old Testament. Your idea of righteousness is sickening.
mine seek to remove deception and all falsehood from the minds of people, yours work to keep them in deep deception;
Atheists find their 'belief' through education, experience and tolerance to others. Most christians have never felt the need to question their faith and good for them! But when the church tells you that the Bible is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH and cannot be denied despite over 300 errors and inconsistencies, then they are guilty of falsehoods.
mine make true Christians a blessing to the world community and all creation, yours make you a curse to the human race and to all creation;
Your beliefs are not far removed from Hitler.
mine gives me honor in the eyes of the truly righteous and dishonor among the wicked; yours give you high honor among criminals and the wicked, but dishonor among the righteous;
Interesting, all the comments about your website have been mostly derogatory. Except those which you 'edited' yourself to make it look as if people agreed with you. Pathetic. Why don't you open the guestbook again Mr Lee?
the laws and principles I live by are eternal and shall endure throughout all eternity future, yours are already fading away;
Hardly, atheism is spreading as people realise that they don't need a god to behave morally. we are thankfully not in the dark ages when corrupt religion ruled the country!
because mine never change, they are a sure foundation, yours are so transitory that they change by every wind that blows hard enough;
Society changes. Atheists adapt. This is the reason why religion is fading. We are not in the sexist, racist, violent times of the Old Testament now.
mine make those who embrace them wise, yours make you big fools;
Atheists seek answers. We use science to discover if there are gods, how the world began etc. Most atheists have found their 'belief' by a process of learning about religion and science. There are relatively few 'ignorant' atheists.
the grace I have received from God will put me in good stead with the One who will in the end judge all mankind, but yours cause the wrath of the Almighty Judge to curse and punish you forever.
If god exists, I'm sure he will judge us on each of our actions. I am an atheist because of the evidence I have seen. A decent god which had blessed me with intelligence should understand the problem he has placed me in.
What more shall I say? I could go on and on. Your worthless atheism and non belief in God have made your lives utterly worthless. You have only two sensible choices. Turn from your atheism and non belief and truly place your faith in God, or _________________________.
I choose not live my life according to some ancient inconsistent stories. I don't need to blindly follow the words scribbled down by some priests vainly trying to interpret their gods and setting up vague rules on how they can control the masses. I have strong morals without any god. Could YOU possibly have morals without yours!
Without your faith, you imply that you would sink into immoral behaviour and start following the devil. Your twisted morality seems to be rather fragile.
And THAT, Mr Lee, is the reason why I am morally superior to you!


I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee