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sarah - 10/22/00 00:03:53
My Email:sgt1@geneseo.edu

i will say now that i am a christian (in case you're unclear what that means, a christian is someone who has accepted Christ as their savior and has put to death their life of sin and has decided to follow God and obey His will in all things). please don't get defensive or feel i'm judging you, i'm not. actually, i'm not familiar with Lee or his views, other than what i've seen on this site. all i know is that i've heard all of your desputes against christianity, multiple times throughout my christian life (which is only about 4 1/2 years, granted) many from personal friends, and i see that most of the arguments i come across from people come from a lack of knowledge of the Bible (hey, i don't have the thing memorized or anything, but i do read it). there are many verses that can be twisted to mean something they do not, and then there are others that are hard to swallow at first. i know in my walk with God, sometimes i'll see something in His word that really confuses me, but i just take it Him. If you read the Bible sincerely searching for God's truth, you'll find it. otherwise, no. as far as satan goes, he is the 'author' of atheism, he's the author of all things contrary to God. of, course, if you don't believe in him, (which is one of greatest wiles)then you won't agree... please let me assure you that there are true christians out there, they may be few, but they're there. what saddens me is the people who do things blatantly against God, in the name of God. just because you say you're a christian, doesn't make you one, or going to church, or just being a good person. it's living for God - which includes these, but isn't made of these. and being nice to people isn't right in the ten commandments, but it is in the Bible, in many places, actually. hey, i'm not saying i'm a tower of righteousness or anything, but i do try to live for God. and God wants everyone to come to Him. it's not a crutch ,it can be hard sometimes, but i wish that everyone could know the joy and peace that can only come from God. (don't worry, i'm not trying to convert you, besides, only God can make converts). and i'm not condemning you, in fact, as a christian, i am commanded to love you as myself. God loves you, and so i do. i know, this is sounding really cheesy, but it's true. and please don't get the impression that i'm some sugary little christian girl with no personality who has never known anything else and was home -schooled by my christian mother in east podunk (nothing against home-schooling). i'm not. i haven't always been a christian, i went to public school, i have only two other christian close friends, and i love star wars. see? i'm not so different from you, probably. so hey, if you're curious about anything, feel free to e-mail and ask. of course, the best one to ask is God - He likes to hear from you, if even there's a bunch of doubt or anger or what have you - i know this from personal experience. anyway, i've made this very long, sorry about that. have a nice day, seriously. =D

Brooks - 04/24/00 04:10:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/bbu84/biblicalstupidity/home.htm
My Email:bbu84@aol.com

Thank you for a great web site. You voice of sanity contrasts nicely with Mr. Lee's verbal vomitus. I have seen this guy Lee's site before, but I was not aware of how utterly insane he was. I guess I should have checked out more of his articles. Reading s me of his barely coherent delusional rantings it is easy to see how the Inquisition got its start. Thanks again for your site. Brooks

Sue - 03/17/00 00:23:33
My Email:CanadaSue@Yahoo.com

Outstanding site...you have of course created a dilemma for me. I wouldn't call myself atheist, but rather agnostic. In other words, "I dunno". But ya know what? I'm not going to tie myself in knots over. I avoid religions like the plague. I participate i a "spiritual/religious" forum. Frankly, I've rarely seen such an "unXian" site in my life. Everybody is wrong except for whoever is posting at the time. If something goes against a person's specific belief system, then everything else must be wrong. That letter "written" by a 3 year old...if it was, than Mr. Lee has absolutely no idea when he's being had. But he wrote it. I knew few kids that age who are sophisticated enough in their use of the English language to use & spell heinous correctly, yet g t a simple word such as aid wrong. That is a pathetically transparent attempt to preach to the converted. To each his/her own, I say. I have no argument with anyone's belief system. My only criteria for judging is that it harm no one. If it fits that criteria; then feel free to believe my tortoiseshell cat is God. I have 2 kids; they're free to make up their wn minds. My thirteen year vehemently rejects the idea of a God..his choice. My ten year old believes there IS a God, but hasn't settled on a faith. Again, his choice. Whatever they ultimately decide to believe, I can only hope they're spared Mr. Lee's "quantum leaps in logic"...if one can call his arguments logic. I can't. Great site & looking forward to checking out the links. Sue

Franc - 03/07/00 05:32:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pq/fratre/
My Email:mdipres@sympatico.ca

Good web site ! Your rebuttals to Lee are well done. I met this guy on chat once, and he's as incoherent in conversation as he is on writing. Visit my web site on Objective Thinking at : http://www.angelfire.com/pq/fratre/

Omni-Phoenix - 01/26/00 07:28:22
My Email:davidmax@bellsouth.net

One hell of a site. Keep up the good work, we are all on your side. By the way, type in http//www.kerbcrawler.demon.co.uk/debate/a5.htm in the location bar. This leads to an extremely logical site that consists of a debate btween a christian and an atheist. And they actually RESPECT eachother. Wow.

Theravada_maha - 10/01/99 19:50:29
My Email:theravada_maha@hotmail.com

Wow, I didn't think that anyone paid attention to this, well, guy, Lee. Actually his site www.tencommandments.com, when I saw it, I thought he was joking, I was reading all his stuff on atheism, and honestly, I have NEVER EVER seen so many fallacies in ar uments. I want to just say that the guy has problems and I imagine him as a completely anal person. Thanks for the site man, glad to know someone out there saw this guy.

Friends of Science - 06/08/99 18:47:54
My URL:http://www.friendsofpast.org/news-990603.html

Keep the state separate from all religions.

Cyclops5 - 04/06/99 04:18:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~cyclops5
My Email:cyclops5@acd.net

Very interesting articles about Atheists. I'm looking forward for more articles in the future. Good job! -=peace=-

mezzotint - 03/25/99 10:55:00
My URL:http://mezzotint.webjump.com

Your page wigedy wigedy rocks, as Kriss Kross would no doubt say. Hey, if - as Mr Lee professes - rock 'n roll is pornography, does that make Kriss Kross and Hanson child porn? Ewww!

Ben W. - 03/20/99 22:36:50

MR. Lee appears to be one of the biggest jackasses that the bible belt has ever produced.

Angel - 03/08/99 18:51:12

Well thought out and constructed, young person. Mr. Lee is, indeed, a grade A nutter. Gotta go - due to implode shortly owing to existential doubt about my existence. Ciao!

PinkyMan - 02/28/99 12:23:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/7130/index.html

Testing testing 1...2...er 3! Blimey. It works. :)