This sighting took place in Elmhurst New York in 1995
   I was with one of my friend about 2 years back, going home after staying at my other friends house. I was approch a store when I peer up to see three blue stars, or as they seemd to be. So, after a few seconds of looking, I thought they were just stars, but after a minute or so, my friend had looked in shock as he was standing there and telling me that some stars had just began to circle around a certain area I could not make out do to how high it was in the air. We both continue to walk up the end of the block until we saw the supposed U.F.O stay still, then dissappear. Both of us dazed and confused, we continued to wal faster and faster up to the area in which we thought the space craft, but there was no sign of it ever again. Thans for hearing my story. ARZI                 

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