NAZI UFO'S Robert Burns Just as with Harry Houdini who took the occult so seriously that he undertook a personal campaign to expose the hoaxes which serve to confuse, weaken and debase the whole topic, so I cannot tolerate deliberate hoaxes where U.F.O.'s are concerned. For years there has been the business of both "Nazi U.F.O.'s" and "Nazi Bases at the Antarctic," Both are linked together with the old theory which held that Hitler escaped from Berlin in 1945. Plenty of pseudo-documentaries, plenty of "eye-witnesses" to support it all. In the summer of 1976, the author of one of the foremost volumes of this subject told me flat-out that it was a complete hoax and that he himself had produced the extensive line of blueprints and illustrations for the "German Flying Saucers." he said that it was his intent to get the wire-pullers of the New World Order looking over their shoulder--as well as to sell books. Were it not for the tremendous standing body of disinformation surrounding Hitler and the NSAAP such outrageous fabrication could never be put forth in the first place. Lies breed more lies. People cannot grasp that the NSAAP was a very down-to-earth, meat-and-potatoes political party which addressed the most basic problems of the common people and which came to power through the most intensive--but entirely conventional--political campaigning. People are fixated upon the panoply and stylized oratory, the stupendous military exploits of the Third Reich and Hitler and do not suspect the actual uniqueness was in this having been the first-ever racial state which naturally brought it into direct conflict with the budding New World Order. People are taught to believe that Hitler was "mad" and intent upon world domination. They do not know that Hitler had no interest beyond Germany, and, for that reason, he would never have left the German nation. Therefore, it must all have been "magic" or "evil". One thing stands clear to any who study history and that is that the greatest technical strides are achieved during time of war. Not World War Two but the U.S. Civil War still holds the record for the number of innovations made. Everyone is acquainted with Germany's pioneering efforts in rocketry and jet propulsion. But England, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were not far behind. Who was it after all that developed the "devil weapon," the atomic bomb, but the United States? Because Germany was confronted by an eventual array of fifty-two nations around the world and was out-numbered by a hundred-to-one and out-supplied by a ton-to-an-ounce, they had little recourse but to pin their hopes to their,"geheimwaffe", or , "secret weapons." This boiled down to a little more than a faith in quality over quantity. Of course, quantity won. And as always, always in history--the winners are the "good guys" and the losers are the "bad guys." With demonetization comes the capacity for any ridiculous thing to be heaped onto the pile of lies. This would certainly include the patient falsehood of "Nazi U.F.O.'s." Beyond that it is important to note that there has never at any time been a great and sudden leap in man's technology. No unexplained jump in development as to allow for "flying saucers" either in the 1940's or today. All of the wonders that appeared during World War Two were in one way or another on the drawing boards during the 1920's. Every bit of it traceable along a straight, slow, painful and unbroken line. Brilliant but conventional. Today's automobile is little different from the Model-T and today's jets aren't far removed from the identical principles behind the German WWII "Swallows" or "Arados". Clever but hardly miraculous. Very gradual and in many ways very backward. So it remains. There is no "alien" technology in human hands. This is not to say that the U.S. government may not posses captured or crashed U.F.O.'s. It is only to say that they have not been able to figure them out and apply them. Not merely a more advanced technology but a completely different technological concept. Like handing a computer to a group of chimpanzees. It could hardly be applied to removing termites from their mound for a light snack even with all the "reverse engineering" in the world. Considering the nature of what it is that holds power in the world today, to me, this is very reassuring. Yet it is undeniable that U.F.O.'s made their dramatic appearance during the closing months of World War Two over Europe. Official debunkers may attempt to write off sightings in 1947 as formations of top-secret delta wings but what of the "foo fighters" buzzing Allied war planes in 1944? The time, the place, the circumstances would indicate some link to Nazis and U.F.O.'s but since they were clearly independent of one another, what link would that be? What could their purpose be since they made no effort to involve themselves in the world hostilities even though they could have easily and drastically altered the outcome? Quite obviously they arrived at a moment of great crisis for earth as observers. Neither blessing nor condemning, being present yet remaining aloof. And so that remains to this day. Those who have carefully studies Hitler will be aware of his pronouncement in the 1920's of his awareness of being the one who would prepare the way for the last. What had to be done had to be done. The War had to come and it had to end in sacrifice. In his final address on January 30, 1945, Hitler still spoke of the victory to come even as Communist Forces closed in around him aided by the Western Allies. Who will be the last? What victory? Anyone who watches television or reads the tabloids will be familiar with the name of Nostradamus. Especially now as we approach the end of the millennium these sensation and fearmongers are selling papers, etc., through their second-guessing of who the Anti-Christ will be immediately prior to the Apocalypse. According to Nostradamus, Napoleon was one such Anti=Christ and Hitler was another. More recently they are claiming it is Saddam Hussein. Note carefully: Each of these popular and "easy" Anti-Christs was out of the world "loop" in his own day and was militarily defeated by what amounted to the World Order than and the New World Order today. Ergo--all should be well and secure. But that's not how the scenario plays out in Revelation. Elsewhere in the Bible warning is given against paying heed to such as Nostradamus. The field of psychics, seers and prophets is every bit as rife with it's own fakers and hoaxes as is the are of U.F.O.'s. This, however, does not discant the basic reality of such things. Even the Bible does not call them frauds but only says that they will mislead. Some power enables them to see many of the same things as seen by the Biblical prophets. The imporatnt difference is in the direction from which this power comes. That will determine how the visions will be taken, interpreted and presented. Remember, thie "winner" will call it as it suits him. And the prevailing power on earth, the temporary "winner" in the terrestrial sense is not God or the power of good. Just as with those saucer over WWII battlefields, he could end it at any time but chooses to allow it to play itself out. The P.C. force which governs the earth today is the same P.C. force which provided Nostradamus his insights and was the same P.C. force which murdered Jesus. And they're going to identify someone as the Anti-Christ? Just like the government denies knowledge of U.F.O.'s. Who do Jesus identify as the "father of Lies"? Taking cheap shots at this or that personality as being the Anti-Christ may sell books and magazines but, I assure you, to point him out when he arrives will only get you uilified, imprisioned or killed. Simply because the duped populations of earth have long been prepped to see and welcome him as a literal "savior", espousing every P.C. ideal that the New World Order itself represents. To call the Anti-Christ the Anti-Christ would be a "hate crime" or an act of "terrorism". He will be hailed all over the world, his will be all power. He will be in the mould of one of these smiling, mealy-mouthed, three-piece-suit, sold-out, tim-horn politicians. Furthermore, all the petty, little sell-out bureaucrats in the communities will serve him willingly--because it is "the law" and because it is their "job" to do so. Can you see it coming? Then Satan will step forward to claim open rulership. Not some horned red devil but those for whom Satan is allegorical. And if Satan's form can be real and physical, why not that of God? The U.F.O.'s are not Hitler's though they dramatically upgraded their visibility at the time of his death. Nether are they the New World Order's. They are here, wathching, and waiting for that moment--"known only to God"--when the worlds of Revelation are played out. That moment became imminent--"condition red"-- when the New World Order eliiminated it's last oppositon in 1945. Evil will sit in total control then. Is that not what Revelation says? Is that not the New World Order? At the moment it raises its head and drops its "democratic" mask to make its gradstand play--just as the legendary pride of Satan will demand it does--when it sheds its sold-out front men and reveals itself, those hovering and elusive U.F.O.'s will move into action to fufill the phophecy of St. John and crush the Satanic System. The Hitler connection? Same enemy. Same victory. They'll come blasting everything in sight in much the same ways as in these Hollywood films. Not just the overt military power of the System, not just the hordes of those arrayed against God's people but also these chrusches and their armies of false believers. And not "monsters" but the Biblical God and his angels returning--as promised--in the physical form which insprired all the subsequent mythology. --END--

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