Demnoss's Wonderful World of Electronics

Curve Tracer

Curve Tracer is niece piece testing equipment that is main purpose is test semiconductors for example transistors, diodes, and FET. I have also used for testing, resistors, photocells, and capacitors.

The front end is ramp generator that is connected to positive and Negative power supply. The ramp generator also provides the horizontal sweep for the oscilloscope. The ramp wave to converted in a square wave to be use as a clock pulse to start the digital ramp wave or stair step generator. I used a binary counter to count to a fix number of steps. the binary counter is connected to a summing amplifier. This is actually a analog to digital convertion (ADC). The digital ramp is feed resistor or base resistors. Here are few pics of couple componets

PNP Transistor

NPN Tranistor



Top wave is digital ramp
Bottom Waveform is sweep voltage


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