Welcome To The Fans Of Garett Maggart Web Ring

Thank You for your interest in joining The Fans Of Garett Maggart Webring.It's brand new and I created it for people who have Garett Maggart Websites or for people who are Fans Of Garett Maggart. You can find all the info about submitting a site, editing a site, and also the html segment for your page here.

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Submit Your Site To The Webring

After you've submitted your site please send me an e-mail saying that you have submitted a site. Then you can add the html segment to your page. This doesn't mean you are in the ring. The site must be added by me.

Here You Can Find The HTML Segment

Once you have the html segment, replace YOUR_ID with the id given to you. Also Replace YOUR_NAME and YOUR_EMAIL with your name and e-mail.

When You Finish It Should Look Something Like This:

This Fans Of Garett Maggart Webring site owned by Jes.
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