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Clan glossary

The unique thing about the Clans is that their language does not use vowels. The following is a glossary of commonly used Clan words.

Abtakha-a captured warrior who is adopted into his new clan as a warrior.

Batchall-the ritual by which the Clan warriors issue combat challenges.

Blooding-the ritual in which a Clan candidate is officially recognized by his\her Clan, also known as "whelping" in Clan Wolf.

Bloodheritage-the history of the Bloodnamed warriors of a particular Bloodright is called a Bloodheritage.

Bloodname-refers to the surname of each of the 800 Warriors who stood with Nicholas Kerensky during the Exodus Civil War.

Bloodright-a specific Bloodname lineage

Bondsman-a captured warrior

Canister-Clan slang for the eugenics program of the warrior caste

Chalcas-anyhting or anyone who challenges the Clan caste system

Codex-each Warrior's codex is his or her individual identification

Contract-an agreement between the commanders of two units by which the commander of one may include the units of the other in his bidding for rights to a battle or trial

Cutdown-the minimum force neccessary to win any trial for which there has been bidding

Dezgra-a fighting unit that disgraces itself

Free Birth-a mortal insult from one trueborn to another trueborn

Freebirth-an individual conceived and born by natural means

Giftake-the sample of DNA taken from a dead warrior

Heigra-withdrawing honorably from the field without further combat or cost

Isorla-the spoils of battle

Kurultai-the Clan war council

Loremaster-the keeper of Clan laws and history

Master Codex-the master file of the Clan's breeding programs

Oathmaster-the honor gaurd for official Clan ceremony

Ovkhan-a term of respect reserved for someone of higher rank

Powless-the vulnerability that a warroir feels when forced to fight without his accustomed weapons

Quiaff/Quineg-these expressions are placed at the end of rhetorical questions

Ransom-Clan custom dictates that a warrior who has been successful at his Trial of Bloodright may be rewarded with a gift by the Clan

Rede-an honor-bound promise

Ristar-a particularly gifted warrior on his or her way to a high position

Satarra-a Clan council may cast a veto to settle or postpone disputes between castes within their jurisdiction

Savashri-a Clan epithet

Seyla-ritual response voiced in unison by those witnessing solemn Clan cerimonies, rituals, and other important gartherings

Sibko-a group of children from warrior caste eugenics program with the same male and female parents

Stravag-a Clan epithet, probably a combination of the Clan words stran, meaning independent, and vagon, meaning birth

Surkai-the Right of Forgiveness

Surkairede-the Rede of Forgiveness is the honor-bound agreement between the majority and any dissenters

Touman-the fighting arm of a Clan

Trial of Bloodright-a series of one-on-one, single-elimination contests

Trial of Position-determines whether a candidate will qualify as a warrior in the Clans

Trothkin-used formally, refers to members of an extended sibko. Less formally, a warrior will use trothkin when referring to someone he considers his peers

Trueborn-a product of the warrior caste's eugenics program

Zellbrigen-Clan word describing the body of rules used to regulate and ritualize duels

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