Thomas Karn

Name: Thomas Michael Karn
E-mail Address: Thomas Karn
Species: GREAH. (Genetically Re-Engineered Human Assasin) Resembles a Mobian Fox.
Age: 19 (32, if counting life on Earth)
Sex: M/Good
Birthdate: 10/07/3219
Birthplace: Body was grown in Robotropolis. Brain was removed and re-engineered from a young teenage male from Earth.
Background: Thomas Freyas was an ordinary kid on Earth. But Robotnik, in his endless search for the perect soldier, teleported him to Mobius, to be the butt of a new technique of creating a living killing machine. His old body was destroyed, his mind retooled, his emotions stripped away, replaced with preprogrammed fighting algorithms. But Robotnik erred. Thomas' emotions, albeit dulled severely, survived. As did his free will. He fought his way from Robotrpolis to a nearby temple of Chaos, the patron of Mobius. After six years of being an assasin-for-hire, joining and leaving the Black Rose gang, he joined Chaos' ranks as a ChaosPreist. Chaos noted his minimal emotions, his ability as a killer, and gave him the Rank of Sandman, killer of the Undying. Chaos Granted him a weapon of limitless power, PlaneRipper. This weapon is used specifically to kill immortals and stave off invincibility, as it cuts not just through the enemy, but through the enemy's REALITY. The hole in reality closes behind the blade instantly, but the damage has already been done and more than likely the enemy is dead. The process that Thomas went through left him neigh insane, with a mere shadow of humanity left. A battle with a powerful immortal vampire left him half drained of his own blood, the other half replcaed with the vampire's vitae. He was changed, a Vampyre, a halfbreed. For a long while he could not control his transformations to Vampyre form and would go on blind rages, sapping the nearest person of all their Ch'i, or life-force, energy. He eventually channeled the anger and could use the form to gain new abilities. This is where Thomas learned spellcraft. His four main spells, Teleport, Bolt (A bolt of fired energy), Fly (constantly on in Vampyre form) and Golden Blast Nuclear. The latter is an almost nuclear force blast of all types of energy the is centered on it's caster. The path of destruction is a radius of about 100 yards. He also has various other abilities granted to him by Chaos.