to Zhengyu Victor YANG's first homepage !

Haloha ! You may thank your fingers which bring a new friend to you . Your appreaence here is very appreaciated . The homepage was set to introduce myself and present a way for us to become bosom friends . I will be very happy if you can enjoy yourself here more than 10 minutes and wish you a very lovely day !


My Personal Information

My Friends

My Interests

My Academic Information

My Universities and Department



Picture Gallery. A Place To See Me.

In software engineering some experts said one picture is much better and clearer than one thousand lines of linguistic description . Are they right ? Maybe . So, why don't click your mouse to see a more clear and real me ? Thogh you should promise not to laugh at me first.


Some Of My Favorite Sites On The Internet

Get your private and free e-mail account at Hotmail .

 Current Asia Soccer Information ---- Hurry up ! The game will begin shortly !

Online Auction Onsale Market ---- Some good bargins are waiting for you . Good luck !


I Read News Every Day, How About You?


I met some interesting things !


I had a wonderful stylish wedding !


Reach me at
I love ordinary letter too .
Fetch my address here .
Check the local weather before
paying a formal visit to me . Will you ?

Feelings Of Creating A Homepage.

Creating my own homepage is a funny thing .

Updating the homepage is somewhat tiresome .

A creative and charming homepage is time consuming .
local time

My counter is out of work . Email me,

If you are willing to send me one . Thanks in advance .

The Page Is Under Construction