Creatures From A Beast Wars World: My Fanfic Characters

You are walking down a long, winding path. Down below you is a river, white water rapids actually. You grip the rocks near your head, balancing yourself out. You DO NOT want to fall into that water. You continue down your path, carefully, one inch at a time.

You are getting lower to the water now. You keep walking slowly, when suddenly the path infront of you disappears. You gasp. What are you supposed to do now?!

Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, a creature knocks you off you ledge. You fall into the waters below, screaming in fear, expecting yourself to be dead any second.

But, when you fall into the water, you find that you can still breath. You are still scared, but you start swiming. There is a sign saying "Come Down Here" in yellow lights. You follow it, wanting to see where it leads.

It leads, as you find out, to a computer underwater. Another one?!?! you think to yourself. The water is very, very dark, You can feel something icky brush against your leg, and you want to leave. But, you don't. Some voice inside you tells you to stay. You push the large button that says "Power" on the computer, hoping it will turn it on.

"Welcome to the deepest,darkest regions of Starlight85's mind" the computer bleeps."This is a place where she relaxes, and hangs out. This is also where she creates her fanfic related characters. Click on the one you want to read about."

You look at the names, and then decide.

Go to the Maximal characters!

Go to the Predacon characters!

Go to the New Cybertronian characters!

After looking at Starlight's character bios you swim back up to the paths and choose where you will go to next.