My Weird Little World: Pretillla

You are walking down a path that is quite bumpy, with lots of roots. You have been stumbling around and tripping for quite a long time, and you wish the path would go somewhere. The sun speckles the ground.

A squirrel comes up to you. "F-f-f-f-follow me-e-e-e--e-e-e-e-e!" it chirps. You stare for a few minutes. The squirrel looks quite annoyed. "M-m-m-agic for-e-e-e-e-e-st, you d-d-d-dolt!" the squirrel snaps. You nod and follow it as best to your ability.

After trying to keep up with the squirrel, you finally reach what the path was headed for. It is a big blue porthole, and it shimmers and glimmers.

You ask the squirrel if you are supposed to go inside.

"N-n-n-n-no" it replies. "You c-c-can only go in if-f-f you fear n-nothing inside of it." You nod, for you are quite scared of what you might find in the porthole. "S-s-s-starlight le-e-e-e-ft a sheet for m-e-e-e-e to g-g-give you." It hands you the sheet, which came out of nowhere. You read it.

Interview with the Dragon

What luck! I happen to have here with me Keharen, a blue speckled dragon, all the way from the mystical world of Pretilla. Let's talk with him, shall we?

Me: Hi, Keharen

Keharen: Greetings, honorable and noble Fuzor from the world called Earth. It is a great pleasure to be in your company, and I wish you good hunting and good fortune where ever you may go. May the blood of your quarry always taste sweet.

Me: Umm.... thanks. So, what is Pretilla?

Keharen: It is like a version of your Earth, except with different continents and different peoples. Pretilla is like Earth, before science came along and destroyed it. No telephones, no televisions, no CGI animation.

Me: NO BEAST WARS?!?!?!?!?!?

Keharen: No, ummm..... Beast Wars.

Me: You poor, poor peple! Ahem. So, where do you live in Pretilla exactly?

Keharen: In the Realm of Magic.

Me: Where's that?

Keharen: Pretilla is divided up into four realms. The Realm of Magic, where all the magical creatures and fairies live, Pretilla, where the mortals live, The Lands of the Dead, where the souls of the dead come to rest, and The Realm of the Gods, where the rulers of Pretilla reside.

Me: Cool.

Keharen: You're right, it is rather windy......

Me: No, I mean... never mind. Are there a lot of species in Pretilla? Such as gnomes or elves and stuff?

Keharen: Gnomes and elves we have. Elves are one of the Accidentals, they were made by naughty gods when Pretilla was first fromed. Other Accidentals include sprites, pixies and nymphs. We have humans also, these were first made by the gods. As well as humans we have half animals, formed by the gods as well. These include centaurs, minotaurs, satyrs and harpies, felus' and canidrads. Pretilla also has a race of pure evil beings, called Erk Spawn. Erk was an evil god, he made these creatures from people's worst nightmares. Dwarves, demons, orges, cyclopses and sometimes goblins fall into that catagory. After those evil creatures, we have the magical beings, dragons, like myself, unicorns, griffons and basilisks. Unfortunately the basilisks lost their magic, because they used it unwisely. Then there are the fairies which are like, to put it in easier terms, guardian angles. There are leprechauns as well, but they do not live in the Magic Realm. As well as fairies there are also...... umm, why are you sleeping?

Me: (snort) Wha- w-where? Hehe, oops. Just practicing my meditation techniques. How do you use your magic, Keharen?

Keharen: For the magical creatures, it is easy. Fairies and leprachauns use wands to bring their magic into the outside world, and mortals cast spells using words, but all magical creatures need to do is think of what we want, and it happens. Observe.

Suddenly, a giant ball of fire comes out of the air and flies towards Nexus’ favourite tree perch. The perch is burned to cinders.

Me: Slag, Nexus is gonna kill me! You could have burned Cut-throat85's favourite tunnel, but no-o-o-o, you had to go for the perch!

Keharen: I am dreadfully sorry. I do not have as much control on my magic as I do in the Magic Realm.

Me: Shaddup, you overgrown lizard! Oh, slag it!.....

Keharen: I say! That was uncalled for and rude. I'll show you what happens when you upset an immortal like me. I will now bring an imp into this forest.

Me: As long as he doesn't use magic, I'm happy!

Keharen: I assure you, imps do not use magic. Serran Dancefeet, arise.

An imp suddenly appears in the Cyberforest. It looks like a human, except for a few distinguishing features. It is about the size of a five year old kid. It's skin is green and kind of scaley. It has long, thin, banana-blonde hair. The imp's eyes are yellow with large, black pupils. It has thin, pointed ears and a long tail, The imp is dressed in dirty, street clothes, with a length of rope for a belt. The imp looks around the Cyberforest it's eyes getting bigger.

Serran: Ooooh. Ahh. There are so many trees here. (Looks at me.) Ooooh, you look funny. What are you? Some kind of stupid cat or something?

Me: No I'm a serval/hornet Fuzor.

Serran: You're ugly!

Me: Be quiet!

Serran looks around. She goes into Mog85's house, a little wooden hut. The imp comes out again, holding a t.v remote.

Serran: What's this? It looks stupid. Whasit do-o-o-o? Whasit do-o-o-o?

Me: That's a t.v remote. It controls the t.v. But put it back, it's Mog85's remote.

Serran: No, it's mine!

She runs around the clearing, laughing and waving the remote control around. I chase after her. Serran climbs a tree and runs into Nexus' house. She breaks a window to get inside the house. I run after her, but I trip on a tree root and bruise my shin. I look up to see what Serran is doing.

Serran: Wowie. What's this?

She holds out Nexus’ Final Fantasy Three game. I growl to myself.

I fly up, and the tree branches make way for me. When I get there, the imp just dashes to the ground.

Keharen: If I may be of some service.....

Me: Get this out of here! Kill it! Anything as long as you get it to leave me alone!

Keharen: Very well.

The t.v remote and the M.A.P comic are floated back to their rightful places. Serran comes floating down to the ground. Serran lookslooks dissapointed.

Keharen: I thank you doing a job well done.....

Me: Wait. I can use her for something!

A few minutes later, Keharen and I stand outside Cut-Throat85's house, a tunnle under the ground. The sound of breaking glass and many "Ooooh's" are heard.

Keharen: Are you sure that your stoat friend won't be angry about this?

Me: I'm sure she will, but, what can I say? She brought this on her self. Well, I enjoyed hearing about Pretilla, even though I forgot most of it, but I'm sure you can come back and remind me.

Keharen: I'm certain I could.

Me: Hey, would it be okay if you could collect a few stories about Pretilla and send 'em to me? I mean, not real books, but just scout around, see whatzup in the mortal world, and tell them to me later? I'd be happy to put them up on my web page.

Keharen: Of course I will. And I promise you I will never inflict you with an imp curse again.

We both shake hands. Serran comes out of Cut-Throat's house. Her pockets are bulging.

Me: Well, see you around Serran. And may the Matrix protect both your sparks on your journey here.

Keharen: I thought you humans believed in a place called "heaven." And what are sparks?

Me: You poor Beast Wars deprived persons! Here, just settle down infront of this t.v and we'll watch some together. I have the movie, and I taped some episodes.

We all sit down on a log (with a t.v in front) and I enter a tape in the v.c.r. The Beast Wars theme music plays as we both settle down and watch Beast Wars part 1.


"This porthole leads to Pretilla" the squirrel says. You notice that the squirrel does not stutter like it normally does. You look at it, then to your amazment it morphs into a red and brown dragon, twice the size of a deer. It stares at you with coal black eyes.

"We like to hang around here" the dragon says. "Be seein’ you!" and flies off into the air.

You stare after it for a while. Then you Run for your life back down the path, to get to the crossroads!