You are walking down a path (obviously) You are beginning to get sick of all this walking, and wish you could just get magically transported somewhere. This IS supposed to be a magical forest, why can't it do some magic?!

Suddenly, you bump into a sign post. It is abou as tall as yourself, and made out of smooth, polished wood. On the sign is some writing, with "Attention" written down in big letters. You read the sign.


This forest, songs, poems, fanfics and anything are not owned by Hasbro/Kenner, Mainframe of Alliance but all of the original characters from Beast Wars are owned by Hasbro/Kenner Mainframe, and all those above. I am nothing but a bootlicking fan who worships them like the gods that they are.

All the songs I rudely ripped off from are property of the people who wrote those songs.

Also, all the pictures from the show are property of the YTV Web Page. The two Javascript pictures at the bottom of the main page are property of the Beast Wars Official Video Game Site. The hand drawn pictures are drawn by Jungura, and it is copryrighted to her. Do not ask me for any of the pictures, because NONE OF THEM ARE MINE! The YTV pictures were taken without anyone's permission, too. If you have any problem with me showing them, let me know and I will take them down.

The do you like/hate Beast Wars thing I kinda copied from Marina Herald. I am sorry.

The characters Hercules, Pain, Panic, Hades, Megara, Pegasus, Phil and all the others are property of Disney (who I worship and adore!) However, the story and plot are MINE!

X-Men is property or Marvel Comics and all the other people who produce it. The characters are theirs. However, Red Basilisk is my character! You cannot have him!!!!

The pencil-crayon pictures are drawn by Zinou. Please ask her if you want to do anything with her pictures.

The fantasy world of Pretilla is copy-righted by me!!! Okay? So no punk should come in and steal my ideas!!! 'Cause they're mine!

Shadow Raiders/War Planets is copy-right of Mainframe, Hasbro/Kenner and all those other guys. I can merely thank them for providing me for a wonderful computer animated show to watch now that Beast Wars is over.

Now that I have this disclamer, you cannot sue me! It's not like you'd get much anyways.... BUT YOU WILL NOT GET MY POTATO CHIPS!!

You stare at the sign. Is Starlight paranoid or something? Why would she put this up here?

As if to answer your question, a daemon in a lawyer's suit pops out of the ground. It is red, with golden horns on it's head, and spikes around it's face. It's skin is wrinkley and scarred. The daemon wears no shoes, and black claws are all you can see of it's feat.

The daemon swishes his spiked tail around. And walks up to the sign post. He reads it with his black eyes. When he is finished he heaves a depressed sigh.

"Dang! Now I can't sue this person! Why does everybody have to have these stupid disclamers?! I wish someone would be carelss for once. I haven't sued anybody in three years...." the daemon disappears down into the earth again, mumbling.

You stare at the hole where it disappeared. The hole suddenly closes up. You run back to the crossroads as fast as you can!