dewey quotage

basicaly just allot of Dewey scenes
  d e p u t y  d e w e y

Dewey: Uh.. that's Deputy Riley today Sid.

Dewey: Do you wish to give up your right to remain silent?
Billy: I didn't do anything.
Dewey: Do you wish to give up your right to speak to an attorney and have them present during questioning?
Billy: Ask her, She'll tell you.

Sheriff Burke: What do we have Dewey?
Dewey: I caught him Sheriff.
Sheriff Burke: Who is that?
Dewey: Billy Loomis.

Dewey: Sid's tougher than she looks.

Tatum: God Sidney, I'm so sorry I was late.
Dewey: Tatum you can't be here it's an official crime scene.
Sidney: It's okay.
Tatum: Her dad's out of town she's staying with us tonight.
Dewey: Does mom know?
Tatum: Yes dufus.

Dewey: Don't worry Sid.
Dewey: We'll find him.
Dewey: I'll be right back.

Dewey: They sell this costume in every five and dime in the state. There is no way we can track the purchase.
Sheriff Burke: What about the cellular phone bill?
Dewey: We're pulling Loomis's account we won't know anything till morning.

Dewey: Think he did it?

Tatum: Hey Dewey can we go yet?
Dewey: Just a minute.
Tatum: God damm it Dewey.
Dewey: What did mama tell you?
Dewey: When I wear this badge you treat me as a man of the law.
Tatum: I'm sorry Deputy-Dewey-Boy but, we are ready to go now ok?
Police Officer: Whoa!
Sheriff Burke: Take them out the back way to avoid that circus out there.
Dewey: Come on.
Tatum: Don't touch me.
Dewey: That was my superior.
Tatum: Janitors are your superior.

Dewey: where did you learn to punch like that?

Dewey: I thought you might want some ice for that right hook.
Sidney: Thanks.
Dewey: I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep.

Dewey: What?
Dewey:(into the phone) Hellooo?

Dewey: Don't worry, Sid. It's school you'll be safe here.

Reporter: So how's it feel to be almost brutally butchered?
Dewey: Leave her alone!
Reporter: We have a right to know.
Dewey: Leave her alone.
Reporter: How does it feel?
Dewey: She just wants to get an education.

Gale: Hi! Gale Weathers, field correspondent Top Story.
Dewey: I know who you are Miss. Weathers.
Dewey: How's the eye?
Gale: Productive! Is there a problem on campus?
Dewey: No, everything is under control.
Gale: Of course, your here.
Dewey: Your not supposed to be here.
Gale: I know, I'm supposed to be in New York covering the Sharon Stone stalker. But who knew?
Gale: You look awfully young to be a police officer.
Dewey: I'm 25 years old.
Gale: You know in a demographic study, I prove to be most popular in males 11 - 24.
Gale: I guess I just missed you. Of course you don't look a day older than 12.
Gale: Except in that upper torso area. Does the force require you to work out?
Dewey: No ma'am. Cause of my boyish looks, muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a serious police officer.

P.A.: I need your attention now, kids. Due to the recent events that have just occurred, effective immediately classes will be
suspended until further notice. The Woodsboro police department has issued a city wide curfew beginning at 9:00 tonight.

Gale: Looks like we've got a serial killer on our hands.
Dewey: Serial killer's not really accurate.
Dewey: You got to knock off a couple more to get that title.
Gale: We can hope can't we?
Gale: I mean we don't have certainly any leads.
Gale: Have you located Sidney's father?
Dewey: No not yet.
Gale: He's not a suspect is he?
Dewey: Well, we haven't ruled him out as- a- possibility.
Dewey: If you'll excuse me...
Gale: I'm sorry am I keeping you?
Dewey: If I may say so Miss. Weathers you are much prettier in person.
Gale: So you do watch the show.
Dewey: I'm 25, I was 24 for a whole year.
Gale: Please, call me Gale!

Sidney: Sure is quiet. God, look at this place.
Sidney: It's the town of the "Dreaded Sun Down".
Dewey: I saw that movie. It was about a killer in Texas huh?

Dewey: I see you as a young Meg Ryan myself.

Dewey: I'm just Gonna be a few minutes. You girls don't go far.

Dewey: All right you girls have fun, Not too much fun or I'll bust ya.

Dewey: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya.
Gale: Deputy, that's okay.
Dewey: So what brings you to these parts?
Gale: Well you never know when or where a story will break.
Dewey: Not much of a story here just a bunch of kids cutting it loose.
Gale: Then what are you doing here?
Dewey: Just keeping an eye on things.
Dewey: I'm Gonna check the party out.
Gale: Do you mind if I join you?
Dewey: Not at all.
Gale: Let me get my coat.
Gale: Thanks.
Gale: All right.
Dewey: I'm fine.
Dewey: Oh yeah.

Dewey: Your under age son, I'm kidding have a good time.
Tatum: Dewey?
Dewey: Hi!
Tatum: Dewey?
Tatum: What is she doin' here?
Dewey: She's with me.
Dewey: I'm just checking things out.
Tatum: So you did.
Tatum: Now leave and take your media mouth with you.

Dewey: The sheriff just radioed. Somebody just reported a car in the bushes down the road.
Dewey: I'm Gonna go check it out.
Dewey: Would you care to join me?
Gale: I'd love to.
Gale: If your sure it's all right?
Dewey: Mam, I'm the deputy of this town.

Dewey: I thought maybe we'd walk.
Dewey: It's such a nice night out. I got a flashlight.
Dewey: Your not scared are ya?
Gale: No.
Gale: All right.
Dewey: Great.
Dewey: Do you know what that constellation is?
Gale: No, what is it?
Dewey: I don't know that's why I was asking you.

Gale: So, is Dewey your real name?
Dewey: No. It's Dwight.
Gale: Dwight?
Gale: I'm sorry.
Dewey: No it's all right.
Dewey: It's just something I got stuck with a long time ago.
Gale: Well, I like it. It's sexy.
Dewey: Sexy?
Gale: Mhmm.
Dewey: It's just this town's way of not taking me serious.
Gale: What about Gale Weathers? It sounds like I'm a meteorologist or something.
Gale: People treat me like I'm the anti-Christ of television journalism.
Dewey: I don't think your that bad.
Gale: No? I think that's just because you kinda like me.
Dewey: They are sure coming fast. SLOW DOWN!
Dewey: I'm sorry are you okay?
Gale: Yeah.
*they kiss*
Dewey: I'm sorry I'm on duty.
Gale: Is that what your looking for?
Dewey: My whole life.
Dewey: Damn.
Gale: What?
Gale: What is it?
Dewey: This is Neil Prescott's car.
Gale: Sidney's father?
Dewey: Yeah.
Dewey: Jesus, what's he doing here?
Dewey: We gotta get back.

Dewey: Is there a phone in the van?
Gale: Yeah.
Dewey: Lock yourself in it and call the sheriff for back up.
Dewey: Be careful!
Dewey: Neil?
Dewey: Mr. Prescott?

Dewey: Where's Gale?

Coming soon, quotable Scream 2 Dewey
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