Update as of 07/04/05. Sweet mercy it's been a while since I've done anything with this site...I'll attempt to get some more stuff on here over the coming weeks/months...

SLA Industries - The World of Progress.

What is the World of Progress

The World of progress is a vast collection of planets all controlled by one company SLA Industries. This gargantuan organisation controls everything that you would want or need. Presided over by it's owner Mr. Slayer from the planet Mort, the World of Progress protects and controls those who would live within it's fold.

"SLA Industries is there to protect you from the multitude of factions that would otherwise bring about the destruction of everything you and I have built."
Mr. Slayer. 900SD

What's on offer in the World of Progress.

"The World of Progress is a fantastic place. Almost everything is there for you if you would only care to look for it. The truth behind all this is that there are things best left un-noticed"
Mellow. Ebon. Solo Operative.

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