Perren Ashaba is a young male wilder of about 20 years of age. Born of Borderlander stock, Perren is a distant cousin of King Paitar Neramovni Nachiman of Arafel. His family has a long history of producing armsmen to serve as officers in Arafel's army, and Perren was expected to follow in that path. He was found to be less suited to actual combat than most of his family, but his natural leadership ability and personal magnetism more than made up for that defect. However, while he was finishing up his training, he discovered something that scared him to the core. He had tossed a stone toward a rampaging band of Trollocs to gauge range, and the stone exploded. Luckily, nobody actually saw the stone explode, but everyone noticed the small avalanche it caused.
For the next few months, Perren learned, in private, how to control his gift, even as he finished training up on how to be an armsman. He left, however, the same night he finished his training, taking only his blade, some basic gear, and his horse. This was done mostly to protect those he cared for, as he'd seen every male who could channel either go insane and kill all near them, or been gentled by the Red Ajah and lose the will to live.

Perrin is a handsome man who stands about 6 feet tall and weighs about 180 pounds. His long black hair is often bound up differently, but always in one of the common fashions of the Borderlands. His brown eyes often dance with his quick laughter, but the strain of hiding his secret is also seen deep within them. He only changes from his travelling clothes while among those of the same social class he was born into, and only then while among the families that know that he is a minor noble from Arafel.

((D20 Stats follow))

Class: Wilder/Armsman
Level: 1/1
STR- 13(+1)
DEX- 14(+2)
CON- 14(+2)
INT- 11(+0)
WIS- 16(+3)
CHR- 16(+3)

HP: 20
Defense: 15
Initiative: +2
Base Attack: +1

Fort: +6
Reflex: +5
Will: +6

Longsword: +3 to hit, 1d8+1 damage

Skills: Composure +8, Concentration +7, Knowledge (Blight) +5, Ride (Horse) +6, Weavesight +5

Feats:Strong Soul, Eliminate Block, Weapon Focus (Longsword)

Reputation: 0

One Power Affinity(ies):Earth
One Power Talent(s):Earth Singing

Weaves Known:Earth Delving, Grenade, Polish, False Wall, Trace, Sense Shadowspawn

Weaves per day: 2/4 (0-lvl/1st-lvl)