Department of Colonisation & Exploration




The Department of Colonization and Exploration was founded in 2250 by the government of Canada, upon the launch of its space colonization program. This department has its roots in the Canadian Space Agency of the late 20th Century.


The department was created for three reasons; 1) a paradox, 2) an immediate need, and 3) an economic imperative. The paradox became evident by 2230, when studies and reports began to demonstrate that the assistance, advice, and services of a multitude of Canadian universities, corporations, and citizens were being actively sought and enlisted in the development of foreign extrasolar colonies, and yet the Canadian government had never invested in a single colony outside of the solar system.


The need was due to the fact that, after numerous unsuccessful efforts, it was evident that there was not a single private organization or corporation in Canada that could sustain and coordinate a colonization program for the Canadian government. The economic imperatives were more serious and urgent; by 2239, a report made by the University McGill of Montreal, demonstrated that the Import/Export Ratio demonstrated that Canadian export business was increasingly put aside in favor of imported merchandise from the various extrasolar colonies. Worse, the dependence of Canada on those same products was increasing. Then, the report concluded that: "If this problem is not addressed as soon as possible, we could see the collapse of our economy within 80 years."


Thus, it was not the prospect of overpopulation, nor political pressure, but the economic pressure that motivated Canada to start its own colonization program.


Although the Department of Colonization is quite recent, Canada's presence in space isn't. In fact, Canada returned to space as early as the mid-21st century with the help of the ESA, and has made an effort to keep a good presence since.


The Mandates of the Department of Colonization and Exploration are as follows:


  1. Ensure the development of Canada's colonies by using the safest and most economical means possible.


  3. Coordinate the work of all the departments, organizations, and corporations involved in the development of said colonies.


  5. Conduct the surveys of new territories claimed by Canada.


  7. Process the data collected from these surveys for application to the pursuit of the First Mandate.


  9. In coordination with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, establish and enact policies to purchase and expand the colonial territories of Canada.









Under Exploration


Under Negotiations




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