This section is meant to answer any questions that people may have about my web site or that have anything to deal with me. This is just the first edition of this and there will be updates undoubtedly posted in the future. And if I don't answer your question you can of course email me for an answer.

1. Why don't you have an image gallery of each episode like everyone else?
-Well, because everyone else seems to have one. It would not make sense to have one. I think it would be a waste of space.

2. Edward, aren't you the same guy who keeps on getting in trouble on the message board?
-Yeah I'm the guy that your thinking of.

3. Edward, why is it taking so long to post new items on your web page?
-It takes a good amount of time to formulate what I want to put on my web page. And to figure out if it's truly worthwhile to do. (Like this Faq)

4. Why are you not listed in any search engines, such as Yahoo or excite?
-I have not been able to. Even though I have suggested my web site several times to Yahoo. Maybe someone else will have a better chance at doing it then me?

5. Edward, why is your site different from other Xena web sites?
-I'm trying to make it unique in comparison to other Xena/ Callisto web sites. I personally think that my web site is an experiment in making a parody of other Callisto web sites.

6. Why is it only now that your started a web site?
-Well, it was only recently that I got the internet in my home. And it wasn't until even later that I got the guts to even publish my site. But now that I have it has become one of the greatest pieces of work I have been part of.