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Goodies And other Stuff
This page is reserved for campaign systems, house rules, FAQs, painting tips, essays on tactics - you get the idea. So if you've created anything of that kind, please email it to me and I will post it on this site.

The FAQ:

Last updated: 7/Sept./98
The brand new Chronopia FAQ from Target Games. For those of you who still haven't got it: You can download it here in Winword format. I will update this, every time Target posts a new FAQ.
Statistics for Mounted Troops
by AKA. The Sons of Kronos contains the new rules for mounted troops that among other things provide separate stats for rider and mount. Sadly though the book doesn't give the revised stats of already published models. This file contains exactly these stats as they were posted by AKA on the Chronopia forum. They work very good. However you might consider reducing the AC of Missile troops (rider only) to 2 (as suggested by Jack Dracula).
System for Customising Characters:
This was posted by Daryl on the Forum a couple of weeks ago. You roll Special Abilities for your Individuals on various tables. The cool thing about this system is, that you also have to roll for flaws. (NOTE: An Individual with only 1 leg is unique too.)
Guide for Easy Conversions:
And another on from the Forum. By The Warrior Prince. This is a very good guide for all those of you who want to individualise their armies with as little effort as possible. Prince gives detailed information on how to do small but effective conversions with most miniatures from all armies. (Exception: Sons of Kronos - They weren't out, when this was written).
AKA's Rules for Small Campaigns:
These are rules for a small 5 battle campaign for 2 or 3 players. You pick an army pool and out of this pool you pick your force for every battle. You play four different scenarios. The fifth is the climactic final battle. Your modells gain experience points and get stats. raises based on these.
Experience Points for Long Campaigns:
Yup the title says it all. These are detailed rules for exp. points and how to handle veteran troops. By LordTrout.
An Excel Spreadsheet for Chronopia:
This Spreadsheet was mailed to me by Suicide Warhead (thanks again Mike). It was created by Jim Williams and you can also download it from his homepage. The Warhead changed it slightly, so you now won't need a password, to mess with it.
A Fistful of Sardaukar
A Fistful of Sardaukar is a public domain tabletop game set in the world of Frank Herbert's "Dune" novels. It was written by Ty Beard who has kindly allowed me to post it on my homepage.
Here's a short introdcution by Ty:

"Please consider these rules as "shareware" -- you don't have to send money -- but they are copyright 1998 Ty Beard. Except the Dune stuff that's already copyrighted.
Please distribute them if you wish, but don't sell them, change them and re-distribute, blah, blah, blah.
Also I welcome any questions, comments, gripes or suggestion. I have 4 goals for this game:
 1. It must play FAST. Any rule violating this goal will be ruthlessly discarded!
2. Morale is extremely important.
3. Melee is the primary combat method.
4. Elegance is Good; complexity is Bad (a restatement of #1?)
Anything that you see that will help me get closer to these goals would be appreciated. FEEDBACK. I NEED FEEDBACK!!
The army lists are at the back; there's also a system for designing your own forces. Enjoy!
Tyrone Beard, Attorney at Law

"It's true that the law can't make a man love me. But it can keep him from lynching me and I think that's important."
--Dr. Martin Luther King"

If you have feedback about the game for Ty, please send him an email: