Kayatha Glade

Kayatha Glade

You walk down the dirt road that you have been following for a while. Already bored and about ready to go find somewhere more interesting, the dirt road stops abruptly and the wide plain turns into a jungle. You stare at the enterance of the jungle and then finally decide to explore the green forest. As soon as you step inside the jungle, a blast of warm and humis air welcomes you.
You continue down the trail and admire the green lush and the singing of bireds and other animals. Just when you think you can stand the humidness no longer, the thick jungle opens up and there is a large glade that is thinner in those huge trees and the vines that clung to them. The air is cooler and not as humid so you decide to stop and have a look around.
Hearing the bubbling noise of a sort of water, you follow it untill you come across a spring that bubbles and flows into a small creek. You kneel down and splash the cool water on your face. Knowing that springs are usually is clean water, you drink some of the clear water in your cupped hands. Getting up from the spring, you turn and look around. Wanting to go explore a small trail off to the right, you follow it while listening to the sounds of the glade. Suddenly, you see a flash of bright colors. Stopping, you peer through some tall grass and pull the blades away, revealing a sign.
the sign reads:

Kayatha Glade

A place where the wonderful equines called Kayatha's romp and play

You look around for anyone who might be able to explain the starnge sign. Finally deciding that this glade might be the future home of Kayatha's, whatever they are, you move on.

adopt a Kayatha

You come to a fork in the road. Looking at the diffrent paths, you think for a moment. you can either go right where you see a wide area in the distance, you could go left where you smell a slight scent of salt, or mabey the right middle path that continues with the lush forest. The middle left path leads on and you see mountians in the distance. Or, if you wanted to, you could return the way you came. If you wanted to, you could continue on the path that leads deeper into the jungle...