Joseph C. Giron
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ICQ: 28271269

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About this project:

This project was to create 2 online surveys for the Office of Research Services, National Institutes of Health in partnership with Performance Dynamics. The survey was to be sent to over 2000 people in 5 different langauges(English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarian Chinese and Japanese).. I was the lead project manager as well as the lead ASP Developer, Web Master and Database Manager.

Click here to view a letter of recommendation.
Click here to view UCF's College of Business Administration praise of this project (comming soon).

Child Care Survey    
  Pilot This was the test run and was sent out to over 1000 people in 3 different languages.
  Actual The actual survey consisted of 5 different languages and 5 pages. This was sent out to over 2000 people.
Fitness Survey    
  Pilot This survey was originally designed to be in 5 languages but at the end was cut down to 3. It consisted of 6 pages and was sent out to over 1000 people. This was the largest survey.
  Actual Unfortunatly, do to time and budget constraints this portion of the survey was cancelled.