Anime Elf Fan Art Page


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Wow! Its finally here! The anime elf fan art section! Here are several pics from me, and other elf fans out there. Drawn and constucted by all those who love elves :)
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The elves you find here, may not all be considered strictly anime. I have chosen the best, as it is really my disresion to whom gets there pictures shown on this page.

If you wish to send me a picture for considerable entry on this page, please email me at And please send only links to your pictures, as not to cloud my inbox with massive amounts of K.


Here they are! Those amazing elf artists and there amazing elfy works...

Here is a pic I drew of an avariel elf for a friend of mine. The color didn't turn out too well, i think the black and white pic looks better....


Here is the black and white version of my Avariel elf....


Here are three portraits i drew for my online RPG game, Dark Ages. The First is Ce'Nedra, my Sal Wizard, The Second is CyNedra, my former Srad Wizard, and the Third is Laylia, my former Creag Wizard.


Here are three more portriats i drew for my Dark Ages charachters. The first is Porren my former fighter, the second is Tynri my Monk charachter before she became monk of the woodlands, and the third is Tynri after she became monk of all that is green.


Here is a pic i drew of Deed and Parn for one of my art classes. It looks much better in color, however my instructor had it framed and glassed before I could scan the colored work. So alas..i only have the black and white one here.....


This Awsome Pic was done by Rachel. It is her Autumn Elf..named Amber....


This is a great pic also by Rachel, it's theme is that of the female jedi. Her elven name for the girl in this pic is Shaylene.


Another Great pic done by Rachel. The elves in the picture are the same girl, just two different angles...


Here is another pic by Rachel, this is her Winter Elf named "Rose".


Here is a new addition, a great pic of Celstia: Elf of the Cosmos Drawn by Mimi (Celestia: Elf of the Cosmos - by Guru Girl; Copyright 2000; All rights reserved.)


This is a great pic I drew, of Deedlit in fairy form sitting in an excellent podtype flower.


This is Deed in fairy form, from one of my compostate cartoon pics I drew of her and Van from Escaflowne in elven form too. This is her close up, i just love her wings!


This is a great pic of Deed I drew on a feather. I was rather inspired by the "feather" artwork in i decided to put our little favorite elf on one. Of course she's in fairy form...but she looks so cute that way!


I call this picture I drew, Werewolf Ry. I drew it, and intended it to be an elf, but he looks like such a sneaky wolfy kinda guy (like my friend Ry) so I decided to go with it... :)


This elf fan art pic was sent to me by a fellow fan by the name of KD Zeal...It remains "untitled"..but i find it highly mysterious.


This Pic, done by Rachel..was drawn for a good friend of ours named Dan. So i call it "Dan Elf" because, there really is no other name... but i just love her! She's really a fairy! But eat me, Rachel still remains one of the best elfy fairy artists i know ! Way to go Dryad Chel, We love ya!


This is another one of Rachels wonderful creations...the "Fly Fairy"...Simply Awsome!


This is the full pic i drew of Van in Elfy form, and Deed in fairy form...i really love it...i think its one of the best i've done! :)


This is a wonderful pic submited by a fellow Anime Elf Fan!!! It is a wonderful pic of Deed by "JAM" - copyright 03.11.01


Here is another outstanding picture drawn by "JAM". It is entitled "The Angel Elf" Truly captivating the angelic wonder and awe that such an awsome elf like Deed inspires within our hearts!- copyright 03.13.01


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