CyberNarn Origins - The Begining of a World

It all started as a dream...

I was taken up in a spaceship, chosen to represent my race and civilization. I was allowed to roam freely outside my cell-block, (a huge room with a transparent wall which served as a door.) since I was not considered violent.
As I walked around, looking at my fellow travelers, my eyes caught familiar creatures with unfamiliar characteristics. A tiger, a kangaroo, and a kuckabura. The fact they all stood erect and wore sunglasses and trenchcoats was not as impressive as the tiger's metalic tail and paw, not to mention the large elephant rifle holstered on his back.
I introduced myself, and asked where they were from. They told me the story of their world. their evloution after the aliens had come, and of the great war. A time when brother turned against brother for control of their world, unltimately destroying it in the process. These three were the only survivors...The last of their kind...

From that small dream in June of 1995, I started to draw the cyber tiger, from sunglasses to silver tail, envisioning the world if man hadn't existed. And as I drew, I began to create a post-man Earth.

Armed with a simple knowledge of Darwin's Theory of Evolution and man's evolutionary progresion from ape to man, I put my creative mind to work. With the help of literary works, such as Spellsinger and Omaha the Cat Dancer, and my trusty, "Mammals of the World" guide, CyberNarn came to life. I found that without a venue to explore this new world, all my hard work would go to waste. So, having a love of the game, Champions, I decided to place my newly created world into it's rules. With the inspirational help of Shadowrun and White Wolf games, it all began to flesh itself out.

I tried to correlate my *small* knowledge of world history into animal history as best I could, starting with the Great Plauge of the Middle Ages as my time-line begining for animorphic evolution. "The Great Land War" was to be placed sometime around WWI and WWII, and so on...

As I wrote the history for this world, I happily discovered that Ihad created something that didn't need to be played in the future setting I had originally intended, but that one could go back and play a part of this world's history at any point in time! The world went through many changes, including the Renaissance, the Industrial Age, to Modern and on. I kept CyberNarn the title, only for simplification.

So I hope that you find this world as rich and full of potential as I did while creating it. And please! If you create a part of it's history, you think I might enjoy, let me know! I'll add it on to the "
World Historie" page and accredit it to you and your characters!

Note: This system and world has *never* been play-tested, so there may be some bugs and snags. I have tried to work as much within the gaming rules as I undersatnd them, but I am aware of house-rules and the likes. Please let me know if you come across any unfixable problems, and I will try to fix them to the best of my ability...

For G.U.R.P.S. players, who'd like to convert the Champions rules to that system,
click here for conversion information.

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For those of you thinking of stealing this work:
This is for Personal Gaming Use ONLY! If you insist on stealing it for your own monetary gain, may I inform you that all of this is MINE! If I find that my stuff is being used for your financial gain, I will proceed to the fullest extent of the law, unless you ask and agree to give me 90% of your profits. Okay? Hate to be a pain, but that's life, and this is my stuff.