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this site is a seekers site.If you are diligent in following through these pages, you will find information you never knewGo To My Beginning PageIf you came here by a web ring, you may have missed my actual front page with info & links , CLICK HERE to go thereP. S. In this site are many links & places to go; Dont miss going to page 4 and beyond to read my story.This is not just a link to yahoo; This site has detail of my true life UFO story, technology, and more.Afterwards, You can come back here and leave a message in the guest book belowView My Guestbook Sign My Guestbook NEW ! MY GUESTBOOK ABOVE NOW IS A UFO/ALIEN -POLL You can click on the 'private' box at the bottom of the poll, and no one can see it but meALBERT EINSTEIN "A human being is part of the Whole...He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest...a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security".As a rep for the Disclosure Project, I encourage all to click on their banner.This Art Bell banner will take you directly to the NEW George Noory; Coast To Coast siteDOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO "COSMIVERSE" ? I KEEP THEIR BANNER IN HOPES THEY WILL SHOW BACK UPAnd this Cosmiverse banner for space/science newsScience for Kids, and science homework helpScience,Technology,Space:LINKSAs a member of The Planetary Society, I suggest clicking on their bannerThese 3 9/11 sites were updated on 9/23/03Apollo One MemorialChallenger MemorialColumbia MemorialVisit America's Most Wanted-Help Stop The TerroristsIf you think someone ripped you off, click below and let Tom Martino get you help for free. If it is possible, he will do it.Hundreds of LINKS from my bookmarks, gathered for years.this was updated on Jan 11th 2002(Disclaimer: I, The author of this web site am not claiming affiliation to any certain religious sect or denomination other then non-denominational Spirit filled, because there are some places a few of the following links could take you, that are of persuation not of my conviction or advice.)"Links are these categories : science, physics, ufo, & various super human abilities"-100 out of about 400 of those links are ready now, here.And all these worked on 1-11-02Click this to see the yahoo groups I go toI copied this huge list of ufo/alien search links, too big for a yahoo group postGot those Pop-Up blues ? I have a page of info to let you remove them yourself, just click HEREHere you'll find on line dictionaries, languages, and sign language To join my conversation below; Click on the Rocky Mountain logo, In there, at the left, Go down to "Discussion Groups" , In there, click on "Transportation--Advanced Vehicles", and Scroll all the way down to "Laser turbine engine/generator" And join that as a Starting Point Hot Site. below is where you can click to join my yahoo group" Antigravity UFO Type Propulsion |