The Litany

Garou Shall Not Mate With Garou
This rule is tantamount. The Litany says the reasoning behind this is that we are all brothers and sisters in Gaia. The real reason is that the resulting child will be Metis, deformed. In times long gone, the Metis in our tribe were killed outright. It brought shame to the tribe as a whole because some Get could not control their lust. This act still causes shame to the tribe, but the Metis are now raised as Get, which is a lot better than some other tribes' treatment of these unfortunate souls.
     Now, you may be saying to yourself, "She doesn't understand! She's never loved another Garou." But you are wrong. I have loved one once. He was a Silver Fang Philodox, and he harbored a secret love for me also. But we were both Half Moons, Keepers of the Ways. We knew our love could never be. We could never act on the passions we felt welling up inside. So rather than be tempted, we went our separate ways. But I love him still. You may think this is a tragedy, you may even pity us, but don't. We understand the Litany in ways other auspices cannot. And we know it is our responsibility to follow these Laws completely.

Combat the Wyrm Wherever It Dwells and Wherever It Breeds
This, my friends, is why we are here. The Wyrm and its minions try to corrupt anything and everything. And they will try to get you too. Pentex (a multi-billion dollar corporation and a front for Wyrm activities) has tainted everything from its own workers to children's toys and Saturday morning television. If you see Wyrm emanations, it is your duty to kill them. They will only breed more...perhaps from the ones you love.

Respect the Territory of Another
Treat them with the respect you wish to be given. If you want what is theirs, issue a public challenge. If you can defeat them in fair combat, then it is yours by right. That is the way you would want to be treated, isn't it?

Accept an Honorable Surrender
If you have been challenged, obey the rules of the challenge. If he calls for first blood, then begs for mercy when you're beating the tar out of him, you may accept his surrender. If, however, he calls for a fight to the death, you are honor bound to kill him. But kill him quickly. There is no honor in a lingering death. If you are fighting a foe with no honor, he cannot honorably ask for his life. You must kill him. Living without honor is no life at all, better that you end his miserable existence then and there.

Submission to Those of Higher Station
Never, ever question your superiors. When you lead, you will demand unflagging loyalty also. And never insult one of higher rank unless you are prepared to pay the consequences.
     This, too, I know first hand. I questioned my elder's heritage and, in the ensuing fight, earned my name. But that is a story for another time.

The First Share of the Kill for the Greatest in Station
The elders are where they are because of their prowess. Do not question that. And do not think they won't kill you if you don't know your place.

Ye Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans
We all know that, ahem, accidents can occur from time to time. When the Rage takes us, we can not be held responsible. One word of advice however, should an "accident" befall you, leave no evidence.

Respect for Those Beneath Ye - All Are of Gaia
We have no equals, be sure of that. But do not bring down the anger of the other tribes without good cause. We Get test the other tribes to prepare them for Ragnarok, and this is the best possible way we can respect them. If we don't, there's not one other tribe who will be able to survive the end time.

The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted
You can't go around changing form where anyone and everyone can see you. We have remained as we are because few humans know the truth of the Garou. When a human sees one of us change, his mind can't handle it. He may believe it's a Hollywood stunt, a trick of the mind's eye, or he might lose his grip on reality. At any rate, if a human does see you shift, it is your obligation to put the poor beast out of his misery. You're doing him a kindness in the long run.

Do Not Suffer Thy People to Tend to Thy Weakness
When your time comes, do not try to prolong the inevitable. As I have said, a lingering death is one without honor. However, suicide is not an option. The best way to go, by far, is to take as many Wyrm-foes with you when you go. That way your last act will be one that will have lasting ramifications. And the Galliards will lead a howl for you.

The Leader May Be Challenged at Any Time of Peace
The Leader May Not Be Challenged During Wartime
If you wish to lead, there is a time and a place. If you wish to become Jarl, that place is the moot. If you feel your leader is grossly incompetent and you can prove it, only then may you challenge. Squabbles during times of war can only lessen our effectiveness, and we are few enough as it is.

Ye Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated
If a Caern is harmed or, Gaia forbid, destroyed through some action of yours, whether knowingly or not, don't bother to run. You will only die tired. There is no absolution for an act such as this, there can't be.

Never Refuse a Challenge
The Get added this to the Litany. And we are the only ones who follow it. Other tribes have no qualms about showing throat if the need arises. If you are challenged, you must not surrender. That is not our way. If you can't stand your own ground, if you back down, you are of no use to us. We have no room in our tribe for cowards. Go live with the Children of Gaia.

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