Welcome everybody to The Desert Sky Music Web Site, if You have arrived from a Site to order a CD please page down for more info or email us at desertskymc@mail.telis.org Be sure to check out the music clips at the above 'Clive Wright-Commercials', 'Revolution Stone'and'Desert Sky Blues' links make Yourself at home, thanks for the visit and please sign in our guest book below. |
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Set in an Idealic and relaxed environment, Desert sky Studios remains focused and professional in order to channel your Creativity towards the successful conclusion of your music project, any musician knows that that's a hard to find combination, check out this hook up for your project. |
Desert Sky Studios Current Equipment |
16 tracks of Adat xt 20-xt , G4 Mac running up to 85 trks with Digital Performer and a G3 mac running Pro Tools, PC cross platform compatability , Akai Dr4, Fostex m80 & m20, Yamaha o3d Digital mixer with Full Automation. Mackie 1604. 2 Tascam da30 mk2 Dat machines. Yamaha Motif 8, Remix 1, Dx7, Roland Jv1010 ,D50, K2000s, Samplecell, Akai CD3000, S900, DPx1 samplers TC Electronics Finaliser for mastering, CD burning , Other syns, effects, and Microphones available, Room for Drum Kits and separate Vocal Room ,. Limited guest house accomadation is available , please call for more details |
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Credits and History |
the Studio is owned by Clive Wright Guitarist and programer, Composer and Producer, he has worked with numerous Well known artists and was a founding member of Cock Robin in the 80's R&B star Montel Jordan recorded and collaborated with Clive for his Gold Record 'This is How We Do It' at this studio, |
Visit Clive Wrights 'Commercial' site for more audio Clips in both MP3 and Real Audio Formats |
For some examples of Clives current music visit http://www.mp3.com/artists/4/Revolution_Stone.html |
Contacts: Phone & Fax 760 366-9513 or Email us at desertskymc@mail.telis.org for more Info |
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These Tracks are available on the "Revolution Stone" CD pictured right. |
Album Cover |
Check out some of Clive Wrights music, you will need an MP3 player such as Winamp, or Macamp. |
Desert Sky Blues is a compilation of original and classic blues songs performed by Clive Wright, Jim Kyle and Fred Martinez, it is Available on CD or cassette.Please call 760 366-9513 for more info or to order, previews will be available at MP3.com, the band will shortly be performing in the High Desert Area, watch this space for updates.Guitarist Clive Wright will also be performing with 'The Daily Blues' at Pappy and Harriets, Pioneer Town California every Thursday. |
Album Cover |
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