In a world where the Living Legend of World War II combined with the Last Son of Krypton, and where the Dark Knight and Canada's Weapon X are one... the world of Amalglam exists.

In this strange merged universe, a group of teenage mutants, or malforms, joined together to fight racial injustice... in the wild west.

Jono Hex was a young malform who was cursed with only half a face. The treatment he recieved from normal humans made him seek out other young mistreated malforms, and form a team to find their own brand of justice. He calls them Generation Hex.

Probably the weirdest of Jono's band was a young man called Skinhunter. With powers only remotely like his Marvel universe counterpart, he was one of the most unpredictable of Generation Hex.

Skinhunter is an amalgamation of Skin, and the DC Old West hero, Scalphunter. Scalphunter was actually a white man named Brian Savage who was raised by the Kiowa Indian tribe, and given the name Ke-Woh-No-Tay (beyond the fact that he first appeared in Weird Western Tales #39, I know nothing about him, see the DC Western Heroes Page).

The rest of the team was just as odd...

On to the next section to learn about Skin and Gen 13!

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Skinhunter, Generation Hex and all related characters are joint properties of Marvel Comics and DC Comics under Amalgam. Their use in this site is merely an attempt to share knowledge of the characters and to promote the comics themselves.

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