OI dere!!! Sure, me know whats ta makes da reg'lar geer.....da kustom blastas, da springy legs, an' da zoomy buggies.
I is gonna let ya see sum of da stuf dat nun of da boyz wants......not sure how cum
HaHaHa...da boyz luv'd dis wun.....da grotz on da udder 'and....
Dis blasta wuz Snagrat's pride 'n joy.....too bad 'e only got ta shoot it wunce....
Dis wun is reel funny wen it opens up in da shak.....
Nun of da boyz wer too happy 'bout dis wun.....
Raksmeg luv'd 'is new pantz, 'til 'e accident'ly found da self-destrukt button......
Dis wun needz no x-planashun....
To the Codex Ridiculuotus