Charecters name:
Your Email:
What species is your charecter:
What powers doe your charecter have:
What Position would you like to hold:Choose OneLord of the HouseLady of the HouseRoyal Lady in WaitingCaptain og the Royal Honor Guard/Body Guard to Lord & Lady of the HouseRoyal Mage/WizardCaptain of the ArmySoldier
What house are you Interested: Choose OneThe House of Shadows (Clan of Shadows)The House of Spirits (Clan of Shadows)The House of Shadow Warriors (clan of Shadows)The House of Shadow Elfs & Fairies (clan of Shadows)The House of Demons (Clan of Shadows)House of ShadowWolf (Clan of Magic)The House of Warlocks (clan og Magic)House of Enchantment (Clan og Magic)House of the Unknown (clan of Magic)House of Dreams (Clan of Magic)House of HellSpawns (Clan of Mists)House of Druids (Clan of Mists)House of Lost Souls (Clan of Mists)House of Lost Souls (Clan of Mists)House of Dark Souls (Clan of Mists)Royal House of Decaying Shadows (Clan of Chaos)House of the Damned (Clan of Chaos)House of Demon Warriors (Clan of Chaos)House of Horrors (Clans of Chaos)House ot Eternal Darkness (Clans of Chaos)House of Burning Souls (Clan of Morpheus)House of Never Ending Night (Clan of Morpheus)House of Netherworld (Clan of Morpheus)House of No Return (Clan of Morpheus)House of Demon Wolf (Clan of Morpheus)House of Mars "God of War"(Clan of Fury)House of Gaea "The Green Mother" (Clan of Fury)House of Thanatos "The Grim Reaper" (Clan of Fury)House of Cronos "The Keeper of Time" (Clan of Fury)House of Nox "Keeper of the Night" (Clan of Fury)
Why would you be a good member:
If you see a can does not have a clan leader you may apply for the Position by clicking the boxes below.
What clan are you Interested in leading:Choose OneThe Clan of ShadowsThe Clan of MistsThe Clan of MagicThe Clan of ChaosThe Clan of MorpeusThe Clan of Fury
Why would you make a good clan leader: