You can use these Magic Items here only for AD&D, if you'd like to use it in D&D game you will need to commutate it (you can look for commutation in the D&D book).

TSR Sword of Brightness - (for levels 1-4)This sword is a +1 two-handed sword. The sword has a few abilities:

The sword has 10-15 charges.

Temple of Evil Golden Axe - (for levels 4-8)This is a axe that made from gold, and he is big and heavy. That +2 to hit, and +2 to damage axe has a 20% in every hit to add 20 HP to the damage he cause. It also has a fire hit (only when hit)that cause 1D8 damage. The Golden Axe can turn anything to gold (to be made of gold)just by touching it, this ability can be used only twice a week.

Ring of Might and Magic - (for levels 8-12)That ring is small golden ring with a shiny Ezmerald on it. The ring adds 2 to the armour class (the meanning is down - 3 armour class will become 1), and +2 for the hit. The ring can also restore in it spells that were thrown on the character (75% success), and the spells will have no affect on the character. The ring can also throw out the spells that were restored in it (60% success). All the kinds of characters can wear the ring (mage, thief, priest, warrior...). Silver Dargon

Sword of Neture - (for levels 4-6)This is a long sword with runes cone on its blade. The runes are ancient and powerful, and they can summons the most powerful spirits in the nature - they called Neture Runes. The runes on this blade are the weakest from all the other runes. The sword is a +2 sword and have the ability to summon a large wave. The wave can reach to 1D6 meter height and 1D8 meters width (only in the sea). It can also summon a small hill, that will reach to 1D8 meters height and 1D10 width (on a ground with no heavy rocks). The sword can also summon a small storm twice a week.

Staff of Neture - (for levels 8-10)This staff is a staff with the Neture Runes on it, but these runes are more powerful then the one on the Sword of Neture. That staff added +1 to the armour class (down - 1 become 0), the staff can also summon a lightning (like the spell)once a day. Staff of Neture also has the power to make his owners able to move throught wood (any kind of wood: tree, door). The staff also has the ability to summon a light storm (3-5 times a week), and the ability to make his owners amalgamate with any kind of neture (include: water, fire, land and wood). The staff can also make the spells Hovering(Flying), Feather Falling and Walking Over Water.

Cloak of Protection - (for levels 5+)That cloak is made from a good cotton and painted in black. The cloak has two abilities that always work and cannot be dispelled, only when the cloak is destroyed. His first ability is Invisiblity, and the second is couses Fear to anyone who is in the range of the spell. The cloak also has the power to upgrade the armour class in 2 only once a day (one battle).