September 15,2008

Irritation. Do we really need such a long election period? Let's be honest, the presidential candidates have been running for years now. If they're going to start their campaign earlier each cycle, let's just vote earlier as well. It only takes a couple of days to examine the issues. I don't care about them otherwise. I don't need to hear all the lies and distortions. I'm sure this is great for those without actual lives, but for the bulk of Americans... bad as the politicians are, we'll just continue to live our lives. We don't need all the media hoopla.

September 3, 2008

So... right about the character of Edwards. He turned out to be the scum I expected. I still like the populist ideals however. With Palin as VP, and seeing the elitist attacks on her... I will be voting for McCain. Yes, I know I said there was no way... but that was before Palin. Actually, I'm voting Palin, and McCain is an unfortunate addon.

Presidential election year. Always an interesting time. I haven't made a choice, don't really like any of the main candidates. I liked Edwards, not so much his character, or his approach, but I felt his ideas were correct. America is facing a growing divide between the elites (politicians included) and the people. You see it in Obama's speech slamming the primitive viewpoints of the people (God, guns, community, and all that crap elites hate). With most of my extended family in small town America, I can say with authority that Obama is clueless. I would never vote for him under any circumstances. Hillary & McCain... maybe. Third party choice likely at this point