All right. Let the games begin.
  1. The Coolness Quotient
I just upped the ante by the cleverness of the blatant use of Nine Inch Nails lyrics to make myself look cool and hip. I'm soo Gen-X angsty! Or is it Generation Y? Personally, I'm all for Generation Be, the New Agers' spawn.

I'm sick to DEATH of people who judge everyone every second of every day. There was certain long-haired ass around my neck of the woods who considered anyone who liked HIS bands automatically 'uncool' unless he approved. He seldom did. I hated him, by the way.

And another thing. I hate people who act like me, dress like me, etc. I don't care what anyone says about flattery. It's annoying as hell. I do what I do because I'm me. If I want to look at porn, or watch X-Files every Sunday, or write Fanfic, then I can. But if you think I'll like you if you do too, here's two words for you. NOT NECESSARILY. Sure, there are cases out there, but having things in common can backfire. Besides, I'll just pull out the EPKTMML&OSFFT* and proceed to shoot down your hopes of attaining Me-Status. And to quote from Monty Python (ack! one more point on the coolness meter!)

"None shall pass."

*Em's Patented Knowledge Test of Marcus and Methosian Lore And Other Sci-Fi Fantasy Trivia

If anyone wishes to try their luck, I'll be happy to send you a copy. Request Your Test Today