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The X-Files

Well, I am an X-Phile. Actually, I didn't even really watch the X-Files regularly until about three or four weeks ago (date of this posting being March 31, 1998). Then suddenly I was addicted and began taping Season Three with gusto. Since watching, I become more and more intrigued by the show and its big plots and little, subtle sideline plots. I haven't seen really any of the First and Second Seasons so I don't know how well the characters have developed since the beginning of the show. I suspect, though, that they have developed a lot.

I love Dana Scully's skepticism. It seems to keep the show from getting way out into the ozone layer (even though I'm all for strange phenomena). Fox Mulder's little flip, sometimes biting, sarcastic comments are great! The relationship between the two agents as partners has great energy and back and forth give to it. Their relationship as friends, in the Third Season anyway, seems to be developing as well. But it seems to me that they aren't that close. I never see them them hanging out together off duty, drinking a beer or watching TV. Perhaps this is beyond them. Perhaps I will see more of this as I continue on into the later seasons.

I have been keeping up with the current Fifth Season but I feel a little confused since most of the important information seems to be back in the first four seasons. I can't wait for the movie. By the time it comes out, I should be caught up with most of the seasons and the overall plot.

And can anyone tell me if that really is David Duchovny in the Isuzu Amigo commercial?? (See main page for pictures.)

David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder

Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully

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